12 (END)

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Welp this is it the last chapter

* 2 years later*
Lisa POV
It was in the morning when jongsuk came jumping in the bed that has me and jungkook sleeping on it
Suk: noona, hyung!
Lis: sukkie its 6 in the morning
Jk: what are you doing so early?
Suk: suran noona and yoongi hyung told me to wake the others up and your room is the closest so wake up
Suk: dont you remember its yoongi hyung's wedding day! And noona you have to help Suran noona get ready

I stop whining
Lis: oh my god! It is
I start jumping with sukkie on the bed
Suk: see isn't this exiting! I get to wear tuxedos and look handsome with the other hyungs
Jk: yup (lazily)
Suk: including you hyung can you imagine that? Anyways im gonna wake the others up

————time skip————
It was time when suran unnie walked out in her dads arm and being pass to yoongi oppa
Sur: shit, I can't do this, i can't
Lis: yes you can unnie
Jen: yup
Rose: you said yes to him
Jis: come on you almost puke awhile ago hurry before you actually puke
Sur: (sigh) ok.....im ready
Mr.kim: come on daughter its time

After that suran unnie walked down the isle and her dad passed her to yoongi oppa then they said their vows

And now suran unnie is going to throw the flower...jennie,jisoo,rose unnie were going to join and try to catch the flowers then theres me standing in the very back, suran unnie throw the flowers and surprisingly I caught the flowers without even trying

Unnies scream then suddenly i saw jungkook came up to me then holds my hands
Jk: lisa....
Lis: yes baby?
Jk: you know we're dating for 3 years now right? And i think we should do the next step
Lis: w-what do you mean?

People's attention were on us when jungkook kneel down and me covering my mouth
Jk: min lalisa manoban you make me tge happiest man alive and i can't live without you and i wanna change one thing about you. I wanna change your surname to jeon so lisa.....will you marry me?
Lis: yes....

The book ends here but don't worry i have alot coming up so keep your chin up

-sincerely author nim💜💜💜

BROKEN ANGEL|BTS FF|jk ff (COMPLETED)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें