Their apartment was nothing special but it was just what they needed and that to at an affordable rent.

Opening their apartment door both plopped down on the couch with different thoughts in mind.While Amber was thinking about her work ahead as dancing for so long had already consumed all her energy and listening to the customers complain was not an easy job. Macy was still  fuming thinking about her encounter today with that idiot monster but she had more important tasks to do and one of them was to find a job if she wanted to survive.


It has been a hectic week for Aaron since college started and his idiot friend was so not helping.
Ethan was busy singing in his awful voice while his friend was having a headache.

Angered by his antics Aaron switched off the radio on the next red light.
And had to go through the glares of his beloved friend for next 10  minutes until they reached there apartment.

As they entered their apartment all they saw was boxes that still had to be unpacked.  While Ethan plopped down on the couch Aaron went towards the refrigerator only to find an empty carton of milk reminding him that he had only eaten take out and cornflakes for the past few days.

"Hey,  E I think you need to get grocery shopping."

"You mean you have to go grocery shopping. "

"See we have to unpack too and knowing you and your lazy ass you won't be able to do this. And all you have done is sleep rather than unpacking so let me handle this while you go and get our groceries.   Plus all you have to do is buy the things that are written on this list." Aaron told his friend while giving him the grocery list he prepared.

Leaving him with no choice Ethan stood from the couch while snatching the list from his friend's hand and making faces at him.

"Real mature." Aaron said sarcastically.

Entering the store Ethan took his list and started looking for the items which were listed on the list. Even though it has been almost a week since he moved here it felt like it has been years.

Thinking about the stuff back home Ethan wasn't paying attention to his surroundings and crashed his cart with someone or rather the cute little girl who he bumped into him in the hallways of the college.

"You literally have nothing better to do but to interfere other people."
Huffed Macy.

"It's not my fault that we attract each other like magnets." Seeing the fuming face of the girl in front of him he quickly put his hands up in surrender and apologized to her.

Sighing Macy moved aside and started walking again.

" Hey! I freaking apologized you don't have to be so rude."

" I really don't have any time for this nonsense.  And seriously I think it's a hobby of yours to act as an hurdle for others as you are doing it right now." Saying this Macy moved fast towards the chocolate section.

Not knowing what she meant by it Ethan turned around only to see an old women glaring at him for blocking her way.
He sheepishly apologized to her while moving out of her way. The old lady moved forward while glaring at him.

At the counter Ethan again saw the girl who was busy talking to the cashier.
Joining the line he poked her shoulder.
Macy turned only to see a smiling face which caused her to scowl.

" You might need to increase your pace sweety."It gave Ethan immense pleasure to see her scowl increase which caused him to grin like crazy.

Amebrose saw the encounter between her best friend and the stranger with amusing eyes from the cashier's place.

She cleared her throat in order to stop their glaring contest and started billing.

At the same time Aaron was busy cleaning the apartment and opening up boxes. He was so irritated that he wanted punch and smash the boxes with his foot.  Regretting his decision of not going grocery shopping in place of Ethan was making him cuss at himself.

Like who in their right mind will think that grocery shopping was easier than unpacking.

I guess things does not always go the way we plan it to go.  Because Aaron was having a hard time unpacking while his friend was having the time of his life by irritating the girl who resembled an angry puppy.
Amebrose thought that work will be tiring but was amused by seeing a show which was put up by her friend and a stranger.
And Macy, she was busy controlling her anger.



Hey guys so this was the first chapter of this book. I hope you guys enjoyed it.

Please like and comment you thought's about the story this far.

Question of the chapter  :

Your favorite colour?

Mine is pink.

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