Chapter Six: The Spy

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Steve followed behind your car to your house. You parked in your driveway and Steve pulled up and parked next to you. You watched Steve and Dustin hopped out of his car and opened the trunk, pulling out the spiked bat. You hopped out grabbed the crowbar out from your own trunk before grabbing out three flashlights. You handed one to Steve and then to your brother. You led the way into your backyard to where you had locked up Dart. You all stood in front of the cellar, listening. After a few seconds, Steve looked back at Dustin. "I don't hear shit"

"He's in there" Dustin replied. Steve hit the metal doors with the bat, causing a loud clang. He waited for a few seconds before hitting the doors harder. Still no noises from down below. "All right, listen. If this is some sort of halloween prank, you're both dead" Steve said as he flashed the light in Dustin's face. "It's not" Dustin said. "It's not a prank. Get it out of my face" Steve looked to you. "It's not a prank. I honestly wish it was, but this shit is fucking real" Steve looked back at Dustin. "You got a key for this thing?" he asked.

"Yeah. I'll go get it" you ran inside the house to grab the key. You ran back out and threw it to Steve, who caught it with ease. He unlocked the padlock on the chain and pulled the doors open. Dustin shined the flashlight down the steps and into the darkness below. The light only illuminated to about halfway down the stairs. "He must be further down there" your brother observed. "I'll stay up here in case he tries to escape" he said with a shake in his voice. Steve shook his head before getting ready to head down the stairs. You started to follow him, holding your crowbar up with one hand, and holding your flashlight up with the other.

"Uh, there's no way you're coming down too" Steve turned to stop you. "Why not, Harrington?" you said with a hint of sass, your faces inches apart as you challenged him. "Because..." he paused, looking from you to Dustin, who smirked knowingly. Steve leaned in close and kept his voice low, trying to keep Dustin from hearing him. "I don't want you getting hurt, okay? Just stay up here with your brother" you sighed deeply, crossing your arms over your chest defiantly as you debated with yourself. You were honestly terrified, not wanting to end up as Dart dessert. You finally nodded. "Fine. Don't expect me to save your ass when everything goes to shit" you huffed before turning and walking up the few stairs to stand next to Dustin.

You watched Steve walk down the stairs and out of view. After a few seconds of silence, Dustin spoke up. "Steve?" you both listened intently. "Steve, you okay down there?" you asked, getting ready to head down yourself, holding your crowbar up. Steve shined the flashlight up the stairs, scaring both of you. "Get down here" he ordered. You obeyed, hesitantly walking down the steps. Once you got to the bottom, you saw Steve holding something up with the bat, pointing at it with the flashlight.

"Oh, shit" Dustin said, looking at the shedded skin. Steve then pointed to a hole in the corner of the cellar. "Oh, shit!" you and Dustin both said in unison. You all walked closer to the hole in the wall, Steve shining the light through it. It looked like a tunnel, and it went on for as far as the eye could see. "No way... No way" Dustin mumbled to himself. "We are so fucked" you said.


Night turned into day as you came up with a plan. Dustin decided Dart was probably still hungry, so you could lure him with food like you had done earlier. As you were helping Steve pull things out of his trunk, Dustin started talking into his headset. "Well, well, well, look who it is" you quickly turned to look at him. "Lucas? Mike?" he held up a finger to you. "Well, when you were having sister problems, Dart grew again, he escaped, and I'm pretty sure he's a baby Demogorgon" you nodded in understanding, realizing he was talking to Lucas.

"I'll explain later. Just meet me, Y/N, and Steve at the old junkyard" he paused. "And bring your binoculars and wrist rocket" Steve put on a backpack before picking up a bucket of meat. "All right. Come on, let's go" Dustin picked up the other bucket. "Just be there, stat. Over and out"

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