Chapter Four: Will the Wise

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The three of you walked the halls, shouting Will's name every few seconds. After a few minutes, you turned the corner to be met with Joyce. "Joyce?" you asked. Joyce looked at you with furrowed brows, then looked over at Dustin. "Y/N? Dustin? What's going on? Where's Will?" she asked frantically. As if on cue, Lucas ran into the school. You all turned to look at him. "The field" he said, out of breath. You all followed him out to the field.

"Will! I just found him like this! I think he's having another episode" Mike yelled as you all ran over to him. "Will! Will!" Joyce shook Will's shoulders. "Sweetie, wake up! It's mom! Will!" Will's eyes were closed, and Joyce continued to shake him as you all watched. "Will. Can you hear me? Will, please, just wake up"

His eyes finally opened, and he gasped loudly. He didn't say anything. "Sweetie? Will, are you okay?" Joyce hugged him tightly. "We need to get you home" she said quietly. "We'll go get his backpack" you said, gesturing for the kids to come with you.

You grabbed his backpack and brought it back out, handing it to Joyce. "Thank you Y/N" she said before her and Will got into her car and drove away.

"Okay, that totally freaked me out. Did that not freak you guys out?" Max asked. "Two episodes in two days" Lucas said. "It's getting worse" Mike added.

"You think it's True Sight?" Lucas asked him. "What's True Sight?" Max asked, confused. They ignored her, Mike just shook his head at Lucas. "Yeah, what the hell is True Sight?" the boys looked nervously from Max to you. You could tell that they didn't want to tell her about everything, and you didn't blame them. Max was a sweet girl and she didn't need to be pulled into all of this. Not only that, but those men in black suits from last year made sure that you weren't going to tell anyone about the events of last year. "Max, do you need a ride home?" you decided you'd talk to them when Max wasn't around. "No, it's fine. I can skate home" you raised a questioning brow at her. "You sure?" she nodded before brushing past you, placing her skateboard on the ground and skating away.

Once she was out of hearing range, you turned back to the boys. "What the fuck is True Sight? What is wrong with Will?" you interrogated them, knowing there was something they weren't telling you. They all looked at each other, obviously not sure what to say. "Will... He's been having weird, visions of the upside down" you brows furrowed together at Mike's words. "Visions?" Mike shrugged. "If you can even call him that. We realized he was actually able to see what was happening in the upside down. This creature has been stalking him, he said" your jaw dropped. How could they not tell me about this?

"Does Joyce know?" Mike shook his head no. "Why the fuck did you guys not tell anyone?" your voice rose slightly. "Will told us not to" Mike said sheepishly. "But you knew he as in danger! I don't care if he said not to tell anyone he was in danger!" you voice raised even more, and the boys faces dropped. You were pissed, and it was evident in your voice. "Get in the car. We are all going home" you muttered before walking over to your car.


The next morning, you gave your brother the silent treatment. You hadn't done it in a long time, and maybe it wasn't the most mature thing to do, but you were still upset with him. You silently ate your breakfast before heading to school.

You were frustrated when you couldn't find Nancy or Jonathan again. You wondered what the hell they were up to. Something else must have happened at that party that he wasn't telling you about.

The day went by uneventful. You were brainstorming possible reasons that Nancy and Jonathan could be skipping together. Your best lead on finding out was unfortunately was Nancy's boyfriend, Steve Harrington.

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