I see fire, Inside a mountain

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"This palace looks even more beautiful than it did before" Seokmin says. Jihoon looks at the shelves with a smile. Wonwoo would have loved the place. Then he closed his eyes with a soft almost inaudible sigh.

"You okay hoon?" Yoongi asks. Of course he heard him. They have made it a task to be more concentrated on Jihoon ever since the break-up. The boy is really good at hiding his depression now. Unlike when they were younger.

"I just missed this. All of us hanging out together. I just missed us" Jihoon says. Although it's a lie, it's a heartfelt lie. He can't have his brothers fussing over him. He is bound to break and he just wishes that they let him.

"Yeah. You guys should come back here more often now. We redesigned this place, maybe you will like the New shining Diamond Café. I do" Lalisa says making the boys roll their eyes. Trust her to ruin such a good moment. "Anyways, it's on the house. Think of it as a welcome back thing, Now go before my boss comes back" She adds. The boys smile grabbing their coffees and walk out of the café waving. "Bye!" Lalisa waves back.

Jinki grabs the keys from Jihoon and runs to the drives side. "Passenger!" Yoongi yells and runs after Jinki. Jihoon and Chan look at each other grinning.

"Side door" They yell in unison. Seokmin looks at his brothers shocked. "Get in Minnie, we have to go" Jihoon yells. Seokmin walks over to the car grumbling about how Chan is become more and more like Jihoon with each passing day. He gets in the car anyway.

"Seatbelts Children" Yoongi says. Chan looks at him for a second before blinking.

"Did Yoongi just....?" Seokmin trails and Jihoon nods slowly.

"Just put on your seatbelts" Jinki says and the boys do as told. Jinki starts the car and pulls out of the parking lot of the café. "Next stop, Bangtan" He says taking a sip of his Mocha.

"So, I guess we know who the wife is in the Jeon marriage" Seokmin says and Yoongi scowls. The rest laugh softly.

"And Jinki is the husband" Chan says "Now that I think about it. They fit. Remember Jinki hyung was always the one to  work to provide for us whilst Yoongi hyung would take care of us from home? The washing, cleaning and cooking was done by him and Jinki hyung always paid for the bills and what not" Chan adds.

"Right, like you are the boyfriend in your relationship" Yoongi jokes and Chan flips imaginary hair.

"I will have you know that I am wife material" Chan says with what the brothers would like to call a 'girly voice' but they just can't.

"Right. Yet you can't prepare a bowl of ramen" Jinki adds. "The one you just add hot water to" He adds sending Yoongi, Jihoon and Seokmin into a fit of laughter. Chan pouts and crosses his arms.

"It's more than you can do" He retorts. Jinki frowns and The rest 'Oohh' before they laugh again.

"This guy" Tsk.

Chan smiles triumphantly when Jihoon gives him a high five. Seokmin gives him a pat on his back as he calms down. Jinki shakes his head with a small smile.

"Bangtan" Yoongi slaps Jinki's shoulder pointing at the café excitedly. Jinki slaps his hand causing him to retreat it. Yoongi looks at him hurt.

"I see it" Jinki deadpans as he parks the car at the end of the lane. There is a whole lot of cars here.


Jimin, Taehyung and Jeongguk were laughing about something Taehyung said when SeokJin squeals a little. Taehyung looks at his father with a questioning gaze.

The Lee Brothers: Jihoon's HealingUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum