I looked down at my arm to see the finger print marks embedded into my skin. "You monster!" I hissed letting fresh tears roll down my face.

He shrugged and shoved his hands into his front pockets. "I've been called worse" he said watching me openly cry in front of him. "Well, you should really unpack and go to bed. Tomorrow is a busy day for us" he said, turning around.  

Although I knew exactly what would happen I couldn't help but try. "What are we doing tomorrow?" I asked quietly making him stop but not turn around.

"Good night Arabella" he said, walking back towards his room, leaving me alone in the dark hallway.


I didn't get much sleep that night. A few minutes of rest before my eyes popped open in fear. Before I knew it, morning had came and it was time to get up. I groaned and rolled over to look at the closed balcony, maybe if I jumped I could make it and escaped. I smiled at my childish thoughts and sat up swinging my legs over the side of the bed.

I trudged over to my un-packed suitcases and unzipped the first one pulling out a black dress with  lace detailing and my undergarments. Digging through the bag, I finally found the small bag of bathroom products my mother packed before I left. I looked around my room before walking towards the door and opening it. The dead bolted door was still tightly shut.

I walked across the hall to the bathroom and shut the door. Looking in the mirror, I noticed for some reason the bags under my eyes were slowly vanishing from my face. It should be the other way around considering my lack of sleep. I shook my head and turned around facing the shower. 

After a few minutes of struggle, I turned on the shower, stripped of my clothes and got in. The cold water felt good in contrast to what most people believe. I stood there for a few minutes before finally making a move towards the shampoo sitting on the outside of the shower. Grabbing the bottle, I squirted some on my hand and scrubbed my head, ridding it of all the dirt and germs that I had probably got from the plane.

It was funny actually. A little over twenty four hours ago I was doing the same thing as I was now in fear of Harry taking me away from my family, and here I am showering in his bathroom. Well, maybe this isn't his bathroom, but it is at his house and that is close enough for the hairs on the back of my neck to stand up.

I wonder what mom was doing? Probably crying, maybe even helping Seth and Elliot look for me. She wouldn't, they would never let her. In my highest hopes, I want Seth and Elliot to find me and give Harry what he deserves. But, there was one question still remaining. What was Harry's plan?

He kept telling me I was all apart of a plan, but what was it? Did he want to kill my brothers? Lure them to this deadly mansion and kill them? Did they owe him something, or someone? I shook my head, I know Seth and Elliot aren't stupid enough to not pay someone back. What if I was that someone? Would Seth and Elliot really let this happen without me knowing? They wouldn't...I hope.

No I'm being deluded. I'm already starting to side with the demon and that is not right. Every body should get a chance...except Harry. I still coulnd't believe that Harry had the nerve to rip me from my home and try to make me serve him. What a lazy pig. Also, let's not get over the fact that he is seven years older than me! Seven! That is a whole young child older than me. He was disgusting and I know for a fact that there was no way I was going to give into him. Even if it he kills me because of it there is no way I'm going to lift a finger for that man.

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