XI Celebration of Love

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Love conquers all!  That’s what I believe in.   Everyday is a new challenge for people surrounded by love and affection for each other.  There are different kinds of love.  We see them everyday and learn from them all through out our entire existence.  As I end this story of my love lost and found, I would always hope that I had served my purpose to relate to you my innermost thoughts – about love, per se.  Love is limitless and conquers all odds.  That is why, my story…the story of my friends in love…are those the which, I hope could relate to you…because everyone of us is special.  Everyone of us has a destiny to fulfill.  Everyone has a story to tell.  My story could belong to you or yours could be mine, since as I have said before – life is like a tangled web full of “infinite” possibilities.  We are interrelated.  That’s why we love in much the same why…but in different times…in different situations…right?

We were already so happy – me and Rafael.  But I realized that that happiness was still coupled with edges…seams that we need to bind and cut.  Ofcourse I know that Melinda and Jestere will marry eventually, yet I was still not ready to learn from Desi what happened after me and Rafael left Cattleya – and the ranch.

    How could my perfect matchmaking plans be ruined by Kyle’s guilt?  Well, I know it’s their lives we’re talking about but maybe I just don’t trust Kyle’s emotion so much.  I know he was hurt before – however, if he’s comparing Desi’s sudden interest in him as sympathy…then, he doesn’t deserve her.  Or maybe, I was just too involved with their tangled love affair – I was already forgetting myself.

    “Ysa, sweetheart, I know you’re worried about Desi however you also need to think about us – about our future.” Rafael reminded me, one stormy flight back to Spain.  I wouldn’t have flown with him tonight if it wasn’t his insistence to entertain me and take my mind off things for a while.  I realized at once, after short pondering it, that he was right.  I know I shouldn’t be like this yet he doesn’t know the truth behind this mission I committed myself into.  I wanted to feel that there was still ray of hope between our relationship – that helping others to fight and find their happiness or find the love they were looking for, would also help me live another day through the loneliness I felt that time.  I was hopeless, I knew that.

    The present tried to pull me back from my thoughts, as I realized that Rafael’s strong arms enveloped me.  He pressed me to his chest.  He knew that I was feeling bad about something – yet he didn’t ask he just held me tightly.  I felt safe.

    As we reached the airport tarmac, Rafael was suddenly anxious.  He was anticipating something.  What was it?  I wondered.  I kept on wondering until we reached to pick up our baggages.  He was looking from left to right, his expression set to an uneven line.  Now I’m really intrigue…I wanted to know what was bothering him.

    “Rafael, what is it?”  I asked innocently.

    “Nothing, it’s just that….”  He broke off afraid he might say something he would regret, I guessed.

    “No, there seems to be a problem…is it Mandie?  Will she be here looking for you?”  Why was I so suspicious?  At that moment my knees seemed melt, quickly I dispelled the fear.

    “It’s not like that really!  I’m just imagining your parents would be here, interrogating us.  I couldn’t afford that to happen.  Well, Mandie did seem upset after the fake wedding – but I know she’s not a fool to just sit around and do nothing to avenge her self-esteem.  I’m just being more watchful so to speak.” He finished, still gazing at my confused eyes.

    “Oh, I can see that now.  I’m sorry if I accused you, I just can’t afford seeing her.  If you know what I mean.”  I leave it at that.  Immediately, I was eager to see my parents.  I know I had to explain to them as much – but I knew that whatever their choice maybe for me, I had only one choice…Rafael.

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