IX My Letter, Desi's Love

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After I have talked to Melinda about Jestere, I made sure that we have patched up all the misunderstandings that had built up since they met.

I was always wondering what had happened between them, since I at that time, had to leave France.  I know I was escaping my loneliness….  My friends, Melinda and Jestere must surely be happy.  I could feel the sense of peace that has engulf my senses.  However, I still felt there was something a miss with the way things turned up to be.

Of course, I feel melancholy, due to the uncomfortable malady of loneliness and the LOVE yet to be proven in time.  I don’t know when this unending journey would soon end.  My only concern would be the GOAL or GOALS I have set today.  Would I be able to finish it in time for my next adventure?  What PATH should I take, what PATH must I take?

I must provide my feedback on all the questions I have asked myself.  Oh, heck I wouldn’t really know if my answers would be satisfactory enough to these questions I have given myself!  Pondering on all these made me unawares of my surroundings.  People talk so fast all around me that I felt I couldn’t catch up to anything they were telling me.  The road beyond became a tangling jungle of trees and large branches.

It was only when darkness swallowed the day that made me decide to remove myself from my imaginings.  As I gathered my thoughts, realization filled me with the truth of my situation…I was lost.  I rode from one place to another, and transferred from one ride to another ride.  I did not plan anything; I just did what my heart unconsciously tells me to do.  I didn’t plan to get LOST, that’s for sure!  However, being lost in my situation was inevitable.  After a last ride going to the forest, I walked almost to my tried nerves, seemed a hundred miles the least.  As I came to a fork on the road, I realized this was where it should all end…my decision will affect the rest of my life.  The way to my right seemed the easiest way but the path beyond it was just covered with a dark eerie mist.  I wouldn’t dream of going there and just continue on running until I could go on no more.  On the other hand, the way to my left still seemed eerie at first glance since the path would lead to tall trees and gigantic branches yet the road beyond have an appealing sort of light that it seemed, life exists where this path would end.

To my utter disbelief, I chose the path leading LEFT.  I think it was just a funny intuition or maybe only a feeling I’m doing the right thing.  Indeed, I was rewarded to see the lights growing stronger and larger; as I took my first uneasy steps to this Village…the name was Cattleya.  There was a party commencing that night on this Village….  I saw people were happy either eating or dancing or just having the time of their life.  Amidst the entire crowd, I saw the one person I couldn’t believe I’ll be meeting here…Desiderae…she was dancing…she was also DRUNK!

    At first, I was battling with my decision to either approach Desi or not.  I realized there was no time for any indecision since my courage already won the argument.  I have to approach her and bring back some sense in her.

    I pushed my way through the raucous crowd and saw Desi’s dishelved countenance.  Her dress was askew and her face haggard, with lack of sleep.  However, she was enjoying herself, dancing her heart out on the dance floor.  She didn’t mind what other people might think it seemed to them she was one of the town’s people.

    “Desi, let’s get out of here!  You’re already drunk and you need rest.  Come with me.”  I urged her.

    “Hey, Belle!  Let’s dance!  Why are you here, by the way?  Is my father…did my father send you here?  Ah, I…am…I LOVE HIM!  Tell that to the high and mighty emperor!  I don’t want to give him up, not ever!  Hah, you didn’t give up on Rafael, right?”  She said rather awkwardly, with a drunken determination in her eyes.

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