Journey to New Donk City

Start from the beginning

Diddy Kong: Yes! I won't let you down, DK! Let's go!

From there, the two went to Kongo Falls and crossed paths with King K. Rool.

Donkey Kong: K. Rool! 

King K. Rool: Well look what the devil brought in: Donkey Kong and his little sidekick.

Diddy Kong: What are you doing here?

King K. Rool: Ugh, you Kongs are always getting in my business, foiling my plans, and making a mockery of me.

Donkey Kong: Were you the one that stole our bananas?

King K. Rool: No, it wasn't me this time, honest.

Diddy Kong: I don't trust him, DK.

Donkey Kong: Neither do I.

King K. Rool: Why on earth would you think that?

Donkey Kong: Because you tried 4 times already.

King K. Rool: I swear I never took them this time.

Donkey Kong: So then what are you still doing on our island then?

King K. Rool: No reason. Just taking a stroll.

Donkey Kong: Around our island when you have an island of your own.

Diddy Kong: Liar!

King K. Rool: Think what you want.

Donkey Kong: (Charging up Giant Punch) Tell it to my fists.

Donkey Kong ran up to K. Rool and clash with his Giant Punch against K. Rool's Side Smash.

King K. Rool: I wouldn't try that if I were you.

Donkey Kong: Bring it on!

Diddy Kong: Yeah!

In this 2-on-1 battle, K. Rool initiated his Blunderbuss. Diddy Kong jumped over the cannonball and landed in front of K. Rool, but was soon sucked in by the Blunderbuss. When Donkey Kong came through, he tried to go for an overhead attack. To K. Rool, DK's attempt was no more than collateral damage because he shot Diddy far with his Blunderbuss, hitting DK in the process. 

King K. Rool: Back off, you abrupt simians!

K. Rool then performed a Crownerang, but DK and Diddy jumped over it.

Donkey Kong: That's nostalgic.

K. Rool was then walking towards them slowly. Diddy was shooting peanuts at him, but K. Rool didn't flinch at all.

King K. Rool: Ha, ha, ha! My armored belly can overpower your puny peanuts any day.

Donkey Kong tried to go for a Headbutt, but K. Rool spotdodged performed a Down Smash, burying both DK and Diddy. King K. Rool then started chuckling maniacally. 

King K. Rool: Just give up.

While buried, K. Rool performed a Crownerang, and while the crown was coming around, K. Rool then went for an Up Smash. The monkeys came out the ground, so K. Rool followed up with a Forward Air.

As Donkey Kong was lying on the ground he took a glimpse at K. Rool and noticed that there was a crack in his belly, realizing it was from Diddy's peanuts.

Donkey Kong: (mentally) So that armored belly...?

DK then got and started charging up his Giant Punch.

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