"Okay tell me." I said to him after we were both seated.

Then he proceeded to tell me about my mother and how she was a double agent. How she was working for both the Order and my father, but while she was on the job my father took an interest in her and in order to keep up her act, she agreed to marry him. Later on I was born and everything was good. But unfortunately she was killed a year after, when an auror mistook her for a real deatheater and killed her while she was trying to protect me. After he was done telling me this I was already in tears. My mother wasn't like me at all she was very courageous and she even died for what she believed in as well as trying to protect me. I cried and while doing so I felt a hand rubbing my back soothingly. I glanced up at Snape and he looked very uncomfortable. I laughed because he's never actually had anyone before so he had no idea on how to act. He seemed to perk up as my mood lightened but then I got very serious.

"Are you a double agent?" I asked and he looked taken back.

"Yes." He sighed after a while. "I began working for Dumbledore when the Dark Lord set his eyes on Harry Potter. I knew that Lily would be in danger so I took the risk and tried to save her but it was no use." He paused and looked as if he were holding back tears. "He killed her." Suddenly a new wave of sympathy for him washed over me. I saw Severus Snape with entirely different eyes. He even told me about Dumbledore knowing about his death and was already dying due to a ring that cursed him. I was stunned. I felt a little less guilty though, which was good. I looked over at Snape and realized that he wasn't a coward like the rest of the deatheaters. He was like my mother, brave.

"You should have been in Gryffindor with my mother." I told him honestly and he smiled, like a geniune smile. It suited him well.

"Flattery will get you nowhere Ms.Riddle now go file those papers in alphabetical order." He paused. "Without using your wand." He said carefully and I felt as if he was trying to hint at something and then it hit me. He didn't say without magic. He just said with my wand so I can still use my wand-less abilities. I smiled at him and skipped over to his desk.  Half-way through the papers he spoke.

"You wouldn't happen to know where Mr.Rich is, would you Ms.Riddle?" I nodded.

"He went Muggle hunting." Snape made a disgusted face and I chuckled. "He hasn't feed himself properly in weeks so I told him to go tonight before he went on a bloody frenze. I hope you don't mind. Plus the prank was my idea not his." I added and Snape nodded.

"Very well. 50 points to Slytherin for your consideration." I smiled and after that we just chatted the whole detention. I had finished a long time ago but he insisted on keeping me there to inforce the rules and have everybody fear him. I just nodded and smiled, not wanting to end this little bond we've developed.

After 'detention' I pranced all the way to the head boy and head girl dorm. Once I reached it, I found Draco sprawled on the couch, fast asleep. I smiled. He was waiting for me, I could tell because he was still in his uniform. I walked over to him and lightly straddled him. He did not wake up which was odd because he was usually a very light sleeper. He was probably very exhausted. I decided to admired his gorgeous features before bending down and gently pressing my lips to his. He slowly began to stir but his eyes did not open. Instead he slowly began to kiss back. It was a nice, caring kiss. I loved it. I pulled back as his eyes fluttered open. He stared up at me lovingly.

"So how was detention with Snape?" He asked me while stretching and yawning.

"Interesting." Yupp that pretty much summed it up for me.

"How so?" He asked and I proceeded to tell him everything that happened. By the time I was done Draco was  shocked. "Snape is a double agent?" I nodded. "And Dumbledore knew about my mission from the beginning?" I nodded and then laughed.

"That would have made your mission much, much easier." I joked and he chuckled.

"I know right? I feel cheated." I rolled my eyes at him.

"I'm tired, let's go take a bath." I suggested.

"Together?" He smirked and I sighed. Boys will be boys. 

"Is that why you waited for me?" I asked suspiciously.

"Yup! That's exactly why." He said sacastically and pulled me. "Now let's go, my back isn't going to scrub itself." I laughed but then I saw that he was serious and I groaned causing him to laugh. 

"I hate you." I lied playfully.

"I love you too sweetheart." And he kissed my cheek.

"Draco Malfoy you will be the death of me!" I joked and he chuckled while guiding me over to the bathroom. There we took a bath and then changed into our pajamas. Once we were ready, we climbed into bed and snuggled up close together. Later on, we fell asleep in each other's embrace.

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