"Her dragon force..." I slightly smiled to myself.

"YOU'RE GONNA PAY!!!!" She screams and then attacks.

"SHATTERING LIGHT: SKY DRILL!" Kori yells in agony.

"Why?! Why can't I- copy- her magic?!?!" Kori yells in his head.

"SKY DRAGON'S WAVE WIND!!" A powerful tornado goes straight towards him.


"SKY DRAGON'S CLAW!!" She attacks again earning another yell of agony.

"FIRE DRAGON ROAR!!" Kori attacks Wendy using Natsu's magic.

"SKY DRAGON ROAR!!" Their attacks meet in the middle but Wendys attack wins, sending him straight into a building.

"YOU MAY BE USING NATSU'S MAGIC! BUT YOU WILL NEVER BE ABLE TO MATCH HIS STRENGTH!!!" She yells at him before attacking once again.


"CURSE OF THE BROKEN SOUL!" Kori chants and Wendy's attack stops as she falls to the ground, groaning in pain.

"Now you will feel unbearable pain in which you can NEVER escape from!" Kori laughs evilly.

"NOW DIE!!" He makes the spell stronger and Wendy starts to scream in pain.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" She squeezes her eyes shut in pain.

"WENDY NO!!! STOP!!" I wince in pain as I stand.

"BROTHER PLEASE!! DON'T DO THIS!" I scream at him.

"Sister.." he smiles and comes over to me.

"Come with us...and help us prove ourselves to your father..teach us how you become so powerful..." he puts his hand on my cheek.

"No Kori I can't..I can't come with you guys I.....you know he'll just kill me.." I grip onto his arm and he holds me up for support so I don't fall over.

"But sister...we've missed you so much.." His eyes soften.

"Kori.... remember....when we were kids..and my mother would let us all play around in the crystal caverns..and we carved words into those crystals and took them home..?" I say weakly and he smiles and nods.

"Well...I still have my..." I wince in pain.

"Crystal." I take out a small crystal that has writing on it.


"Y/N! Look what I found!!" Young Kori comes running over to you holding a crystal.

(Start music)

"Woah! That's cool!" You run over to him as well.

"Here! I got you one to!" He hands me a small crystal.

"Why don't we carve something in them??" You suggest, his eyes brighten up.

"Like oaths to each other?!" He says excitedly.

"Yup! Here take this and be careful." You hand him a small carving knife and we start to carve things into them.

Yours said,

'Kori, my young brother. Although we are not related by blood, you will forever be my family and I will protect you until the end of time. I love you.' A small heart was carved next to it.

Don't Let Go - Book 1- (Natsu x reader) - COMPLETED ✅जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें