Part eight: Men, typical

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-Wendy POV-

Once I get outside I see all of the boys
They all have nose bleeds??
And they're faces are redder than any red I've ever seen.
Then I look up to see Y/N.
She's so pretty.

(This is what you wore)

Gajeel came up from behind us and placed a hand on my shoulder, crouching down to my level

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Gajeel came up from behind us and placed a hand on my shoulder, crouching down to my level.

"Wendy, why are they all 50 different shades of red?" He says lowly, almost in a whisper.

I point up to Y/N and he just looks so unimpressed at the boys.

"I DARE YOU TO LOOK AT MY COUSIN LIKE THAT ONE MORE TIME!!" Damn his voice is really loud.

"Gajeel there's a reason I'm in this outfit." He tilts his head at Y/N's sudden tone of voice.

"Oh yeah? What is it?" He crosses his arms and leans on one leg looking at her.

"I'm gonna be the bait." She pats his shoulder and sits down next to the others.

Gajeel groans, obviously disagreeing with the situation but sits down anyway. The other girls soon join and we all start to discuss our plan.

"Okay are you all ready?" Erza stands up and we all nod.

"Okay get into your positions!" She yells and we all run off in different directions, Y/N staying seated. We all hide behind trees, bushes, buildings and other things.

Soon a group of men start to approach Y/N.

-Your POV-

I sense a presence and see a group of men coming my way.

"Okay let's do this Y/N. Nothing to be afraid of." I mentally say to myself.

"OOoOooOo. Looky looky here boys, looks like another beautiful lady is lonely." One man comes up and touches my arm.

"Do you need some company little girl..?" The others stand around me.
My blood starts to boil.
Did he just call me a little girl??
I breathe in and out and then reply.

"Oh yes I'm terribly lonely and I need some men like you to keep me company." I say fluttering my eyelashes.

I mentally vomit.

"Why don't you come with us..?" One grabs my arm aggressively.

"Uh no thanks I think I'm goo-" Another cuts me off.

"Oh come on just come along with us. We don't bite."

"No really I think I'm good-" cut off again.

"Just come with us you stupid little bitch!" One of them slap me.

"Okay fuck this act!" I punch one of them in the face.

"What the fu-" I cut one of by kicking him in the gut.

"You little-" He tried to grab me but I twist his arms behind his back. I tie them all to a pole and then more start to come.

"Well this is gonna be fun." I whisper to myself as they start to get closer.

"Yo guys! You wanna come help me destroy these guys or am I gonna have all the fun?!" I yell at the rest of my team who are hiding.

"Oh heck no! IM ALL FIRED UP NOW!!" Natsu *face palm* always with the dramatic entrance.

All of the others start to come out and we end up handing the whole group to the magic council. Turns out there was no other dragon slayer and the summoning never existed so we went home with our pay. Once we got back to the guild we said goodbye to Sting and Rogue and settled back in.

"Well that was kinda fun! We should go on more missions with Sting and Rogue! They're really cool!" Wendy exclaims, jumping around like a toddler.

"But I'm better right Wendy??" Natsu says picking her up and hugging her.

"Of course!!" She hugs him back.

"Y/N I need to talk to you." Erza drags me away from the others.

"What is it Scarlet??" I lean on the wall.

"You know that spring is coming up right? And in spring you know what happens......" she motions me to continue her sentence.

"Mating season." I roll my eyes.

"Yes! So you are going to have to spend the week in the guild with the other slayers."

"WHAT?!" She covers my mouth.

"Shhhhhhhh!!! Look the others know! The rest of the guild won't be here and Wendy won't either since she isn't affected by it. And sting and Rogue are staying here. And because you are going to be stuck with all males we aren't to concerned about them hurting you. It's more like the other way round. We are going to have to quarantine you." Erza puts her hand on my shoulder.

I sigh and realise that I have to tell her.

"Look Erza...I'm honestly glad you're doing that..." Her head tilts in confusion.

"During mating season I go through a lot of emotions, anger being one of the main ones and because of my past I can't control it during the season, so I lock myself away, I'm like a demon. So I thank you for doing this.." My head hangs low. She hugs me.

"It's okay Y/N. You'll get through this and everything will go back to normal." She pats my back in the hug.


"Now let's go back to the others." She starts to walk back and I follow.

"What'd you guys talk about??" Natsu says putting his arm on my shoulder.


"Was it the whole mating season thingy Mabob??" I nod.

"Oh yeah that's kinda weird. I mean I didn't get it at first but now I do I think." He stands in front of me.

"Okay then. Explain what it is." I cross my arms infront of my chest.

"'s the thing....that involves the other thing....yeah..??" I laugh at his response.

"You really are clueless.." I hold my stomach while bursting into laughter.

"Hey! I'm not clueless!!!" He pouts.

"Don't worry it's okay to be stupid." I pay his head and walk past him.

"Y/N!!!!" I can hear him yell from behind me.

I giggle and walk off until I feel a strange presence.

One that is dangerously familiar.


To be continued.....

Just thought I post another chapter I'm trying to post at least twice a day so I hope you enjoy! Peace ✌️

Don't Let Go - Book 1- (Natsu x reader) - COMPLETED ✅Where stories live. Discover now