Chapter 19 - Immortality Comes with a Price

Start from the beginning

So much death today...

"Wait guys I forgot my bag!" I shout and I run back inside before they can answer and make my way back to the terrible room of death.

I stop outside the door and take a deep breath then I step inside and what I see makes tears come back to my eyes.

Kakashi-Sensei has his head buried in his arms on the edge of her bed and I watch in surprise as he sobs.

"Kakashi-Sensei." I say quietly and I approach him but he turns toward me looking angry.

"This is my fault Sakura, my decisions have led another person I care for to die." He says with his voice cracking and I just sort of stand there unsure of what to do.

"Kakashi-Sensei you can't blame yourself." I say but I close my mouth when he gives me a cold hard look. I grab my bag and walk toward the door feeling as though I am about to break down into sobs.

"Kaakaashi?" I hear a cracking woman's voice say and I feel my heart stop.


I hear a distant sounding voice that I immediately recognize as Kakashi's and I  force myself to open my eyes and speak with my sandpaper mouth and throat.

"Kaakaashi?" I ask and I see him turn to look at me with one very wide eye.

"No... You have been dead for a few hours now!" He says sounding out of breath and I lick my lips feeling thirsty.

"Water please." I whisper and he nods and he hands me a glass that I down within seconds.

"How is this happening? Am I hallucinating?" He asks and I watch as Sakura comes running over with an excited smile.

"I was brought back." I say feeling suddenly cold but I ignore the feeling.

"How?" He asks and I stare into his worried eye.

"Sakura leave us alone please." I say seriously and she nods then runs out of the room to no doubt tell Sasuke, Naruto, and everyone else in the village.

"I don't remember how I came back." I lie and he nods accepting it.

I can't tell him the truth he would think I was crazy and there might be more interrogating.

He finally did it though... Am I really immortal now?

"Mala... The Third Hokage is dead." Kakashi whispers and the air leaves my chest.

But I needed to tell him...

"It was Orochimaru." I more state then ask and he nods.

"The funeral is tomorrow do you think you will be well enough to go?" He asks and I nod.

Now that I think about it I have never felt more healthy... I guess that is the upside to being immortal...

"Come on you can come back to my house for the night we need to talk anyways." He says sounding slightly impatient and I nod and slowly get out of the uncomfortable bed.

We walk out of the room and I see everyone stop and stare at me with pale faces. Of course it is not every day a dead woman comes back to life now is it?

We leave the hospital and make our way to his house in silence and I feel tense all over. Is he going to ask why I was going to kill him?

We arrive at his house and I feel terrified as he puts the key in the lock and he swings the door open gesturing for me to enter.

I walk in and I feel her chakra everywhere causing an anger to sweep over me that sets my insides on fire.

"Are you alright?" His voice brings me back and I nod and walk into the living room to sit. I wait for him and he enters without his mask and he sits beside me.

"Okay so I know Saya sent you messages pretending to be the Akatsuki... But what I really want to know is why you would actually listen to them? I thought you were maybe happy here." He says looking hurt and confused and I stare down at my feet feeling ashamed.

"You chose Saya and the only people I had left were the Akatsuki." I say quietly and I look up in surprise as I feel his hand on my shoulder.

"You still had me Mala, and you have other people in this village who care." He says with complete sincerity and I nod and sigh.

"I understand if you hate me Kakashi... I did try to murder you." I say quietly expecting his total rejection but instead I feel his hand lift my chin up so I am staring into his eye.

"I don't think I could ever hate you again Mala. Never scare me again like you did today please." He says and I nod feeling slightly uncomfortable but at the same time happy with his touch.

Don't worry I won't be dying any time soon...

I feel his arms suddenly wrap around me and I lay my face into his warm shoulder as he strokes my back.

He pulls away but his arms stay wrapped securely around me and I see his eye staring down at my lips.

I feel his eager lips smash into mine and I feel something deep in the pit of my being ignite.

I push him off of me with a ferocious growl sending him flying off the couch and into the wall where he sits staring at me with shock on his face and rejection.

Oh my god what did I just do?!

"Kakashi! Are you okay?! I don't know what came over me!" I shout feeling terrible and disgusted with myself.

What happened?! He was finally kissing me and I didn't like it?

Could my feelings have been wrong this whole time?

I walk over to him and I kneel down to his length and I feel tears come to my eyes.

"Believe me I want you to kiss me and hold me but something sort of took over me. It's like I wasn't even in control of myself." I say quickly and he stares at me with a deep sadness in his eyes.

When the realization of what is going on finally clicks in my head I feel sick to my stomach.

I can never love Kakashi now...

I am tied forever to Hisao...

Ahhh damn, I know I know you guys hate me cause just when a bad character leaves a worse one comes in.

Poor Mala and Kakashi. WHY CAN'T THEY JUST BE TOGETHER?!?! >:3 because it wouldn't be interesting MWAHAHAH!!!

Sorry split personality taking over ^.Q

Lemme know what you guys think!! :D 

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