#87 Not A Bad Thing (Justin Timberlake)

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"Y/N, you are the most interesting, intelligent, and beautiful woman that I have ever met. You have brought me, my friends and my family so much happiness. It would be completely idiotic of me to let you go. I love you, will you please marry me?"

"Yes!" You smiled not giving it a second thought.

Niall: Said all I want from you, is to see you tomorrow and every tomorrow. Maybe you'll let me borrow, your heart and is it too much to ask for every Sunday?

Every Sunday night, you and your boyfriend Niall would go out to enjoy dinner, a concert, or really anything that you two were in the mood for. No matter the occasion, Niall would always ask you to dress up.

"So what's the plan tonight, babe?" You asked pulling out once of your nicer dresses from the closet.

"No dressin' up tonight Y/N, I've got somethin' else planned." He smirked.

"No dressing up? What could 'Mr. Sunday Best' possibly have planned for us this evening."

"It's a surprise, so just get into something comfortable." He said nodding his head back towards the closet.

You threw on a pair of denim shorts, and one of your many 'Misfits' tank tops. Niall had on a pair of jeans, a white t-shirt and your favourite checkered flannel.

"Ready, babe?" He asked holding out his hand.

"Ready." You smiled grasping his hand.

The two of you got in the car and started driving, Niall in the drivers seat, and you in the passengers seat. What seemed like minutes later, Niall pulled off to the side of the road, and hoped out of the car. He raced over to your door and opened it for you, offering his hand. You gladly accepted, and stepped out of the car. Looking around you noticed small park, within the park was a small table with two chairs on opposing sides. It seemed very out of place, and you couldn't help, but laugh.

"Did you do that?" You asked pointing towards the table.

"Maybe.." He said grinning.

Hand in hand, the two of you walked over to the table. Niall helped you into one of the chairs, and sat himself down in the other. Noticing no food, nor drinks at the table you leaned forward and in a hushed tone you asked, "Now what?"

He laughed, looking behind you. He waved and gave a nod, when you heard a familiar voice, "Hello, my name is Liam and I will be your server this evening."

You started laughing uncontrollably seeing him, because he was dress in a penguin suit with a tight bow tie, and a poorly drawn on mustache, which you could only assume that Louis had the idea behind.

"What will you have?" He asked.

"Sir, I'd like you're finest pints, as well as your best burgers." Niall said trying to keep a serious face.

You shook your head as Liam gave a little bow, and walked off. You turned around to see a small kitchen-like tent set up behind you. Where Liam, Zayn, Louis and Harry all sat. You waved to them and they returned the gesture.

"Y/N, before we start eating, I'd like to ask you a question." Niall said.

He whistled at the lads, which had them drop everything, and anything that they were doing, to come over and stand in a perfect line. It wasn't until they were in their line, that you noticed four cardboard-like pieces of paper.

"What's going on..?" You asked raising an eyebrow.

Niall stood up from his chair, came over to you and got down on one knee. He pulled from the pocket of his checkered flannel, a ring. It was simple, with a small silver band, and a diamond on the top, but that's what made it so beautiful. He looked over at the boy, who while you were busy scrambling your thoughts together, had turned over the cardboard signs, which read:

One Direction PreferencesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon