Chapter twenty-three

Start from the beginning

As I got to the hallway I saw Joann was on the floor scooting back away as Jake hovered over her in his werewolf form sniffing the air. Dobby lept sinking his teeth into his arm and causing him to stagger back and letting out a cry.


I screamed at him as I heard Dobby let out yelp from a blow from Jake's other arm. He turned to me with such hatred that I froze. It was only when he knocked Dobby away like he was nothing my anger broke his spell. I struck out seeing only a flash of red as rage possessed me.

The next thing I knew the entire right side of my face burned as if up against a kitchen stove set on high and I laid with one of my kitchen chairs on top of me. Three naked Jake's stood over me in a blurry fog slowly becoming one as my eyes regained focus.

"Where is she?!" He demanded through clenched teeth.

My head pounded in protest as I tried to figure out if he was talking about Nancy or Ashley. Why would he think I'd know where either of them were after what's happened?

"How should I know?"

I told him as I forced myself to sit up. Pain ignited from my right side causing me to stay on my back. It was then I noticed two of the kitchen chairs were knocked over. I must of knocked into them when he hit me.

"This is all your fault! If it wasn't for you Ashley wouldn't even be here and Nancy would be home where she fuckin belongs instead of playing this stupid game. Well the fun and games are over." He grabbed and pulled me up like I weighed nothing. The pain was blinding. I felt his claws slowly dig into my arms as he shook me like a child

"Four of my pack members are dead and two might as well be so you're going to get her ass over here so we can deal with Ashley or I will kill you right here and now!"

I barely heard him seethe as I fought to stay conscious. If I passed out I was sure he'd kill Joann. He was beyond reasoning with.  Still, the darkness was defeating my willpower.

Just when I didn't think I would last much longer several loud shots rang out. Jake yelled out in agony dropping me to the floor before running out of the trailer just as three more shots were fired.

I laid motionless aside from looking between the door and Joann who still stood with her back up against the wall and her gun aimed at the door waiting for the slightest noise or movement.


I yelled to her when I was sure he was gone not sure if she was registering me. Panic was all over her face as she watched with wide eyes for any sign he might return.

Taking a few deep breaths I managed to push myself up to a sitting position. Joann blinked a couple of times then finally lowered the gun.

"Oh my god! Was that Jake? Did I kill him? Oh my God...he was...he was..."

"Joann! It's alright. Just relax." I said trying to calm her down before she started freaking out to badly.

I realized how utterly stupid that sounded but she did need to calm down especially with the way she was holding the Glock. She was likely going to shoot herself if she wasn't careful.

"Oh my God, are you alright?" She said as if she just noticed me and crossed the room using the counter for support. I cringed once again this time not from the pain but how she used the same hand that held the firearm casing it to slam against it with every step. I just knew it was going to go off again.

"Joann please! Watch it with that thing."

She paused looking down at it as if she had forgotten it was in her shaking hand. She scrunched up her brows making her look as if she was someplace else. I wasn't wanting her to feel guilty. It was self defense.


I called to her causing her to snap out of wherever she went. "It's alright. You did what you had to do." I tried to reassure her

"No, it's not. I shot Jake and I know I hit him. He's going to go to the police and even if I say it was self defense I'm going to need a lawyer and not to mention my job. I don't have that kind-"

"He's not going to do that, Joann. The police don't get involved with werewolves and vampires."


"Oh yeah... um... it turns out they're real too." I said as I used one of the chairs to help me up. My ribcage felt like it was on fire. Just breathing made it hurt but I couldn't do anything about it now. There was no telling what Jake would do or when he'd be back.

She rushed over to help but I refused. She couldn't hold herself up very well on one leg let alone the two of us but I did appreciate her wanting to help.

"Grab me a Venom, if ya want to help."

I told her as I slowly made my way to the couch. She gave me a questionable look but didn't argue. Not sure who else to try, I called Linnea and told her what happened hoping she'd have some idea where Nancy could be or how to get ahold of her. I didn't like involving her but I was desperate. Joann couldn't stay here alone and there was nobody else I could even speak about this too. Turned out, she was still awake.

"Yeah... I have a key to the bar but Jake's sure to go there. Not the best option if you're looking to avoid him." I let out a cough gripping the phone tight waiting for the pain to lesson.

Joann handed me the energy drink and lifted my shirt "Crystal, we need to get you to the hospital. This looks bad." I tried brushing her away but she wouldn't move.

"Isn't it neutral?" I asked Linnea recalling Nancy getting upset with him over me being claimed. It seemed like an eternity ago.

"Sure it is. But we're talking about Jake here. Being smart isn't something he's particularly known for. But you're right, you can't stay there. Jake has to strike back or he'll lose the respect of anyone still with him and other packs in the area. You don't want to be anywhere around for that. Are you alright, are you hurt?" She asked with concern.

"I'll live." I answered simply getting a dirty look from Joann. "I'm taking you to the hospital." She said sternly. We didn't have time for this.

"Last time I went to the hospital they refused to treat me because they said they didn't understand my hormone levels. I'm not dealing with that shit again and right now we need to get you someplace safe so just shut up about it, Joann!"

It came out harsher than I intended and I felt bad for snapping at her. I tried offering her a small frown as an apology which she seemed to accept.

"I have an idea, hold on!" I heard Linnea say followed by what sounded like her running.

As I waited Joann brought me some ice wrapped up in a towel for my face and and another for my ribs.

"I'm back!" Linnea said sounding optimistic. Hopefully she's figured something out.

"Okay, I told Greg and he agreed she should stay here at least till the authorities are notified and we get someone to look at you. I may not be able to see your injuries but you sound like shit. Jake doesn't know where I live so it should be safe and hopefully by tonight we can let Nancy know what's going on."

I didn't like the idea of troubling them like that but she did have a good point and there was no one else I could think of. Our parents were out of the question and even with everything between us I wouldn't want them hurt because of this.

"What's going on?" Joann asked worriedly.

"Get dressed. We're going to Linnea's."

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