Chapter 11

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"I just can't believe I didn't figure it out."

Percy smiled sympathetically and rubbed Annabeth's shoulder. "Annabeth, I'm sorry. I didn't... I didn't mean for this to happen. But it did. It's Jason's fault."

Behind him, Jason sputtered.
"W-what? How is it MY fault?!"

Percy rolled his eyes. "Dude, YOU asked ME out."

Jason turned to Piper for help. She just shrugged. "You're on your own, Jason."

Jason blushed and looked at the floor, grumbling something about Percy being stupid.

The four demigods were alone in the Athena cabin. Piper had convinced Jason and Percy to go with her when she told Annabeth about their relationship. So far, it was actually going pretty well. Surprisingly.

"Well," Annabeth said, after a long silence. "I guess you have my blessing. Thank you for telling me, and not, you know, trying to keep it from me any longer." She smirked at Percy. "Plus, it shouldn't be very hard for me to find another boyfriend."

Percy smirked back. "You're right. You're a great girl, Annabeth.
If I wasn't -- y'know -- I'd totally still be going out with you."

Annabeth laughed. "I believe you. Now, are there any other secrets any if you have been keeping from me?"

Piper shook her head, but Percy and Jason looked at each other nervously. Jason shook his head, and Percy said "Nope."

Annabeth shrugged. "Alright, then. I guess I'll see you guys later. Friends?"

Jason and Percy nodded. "Friends."

* * *

"It's STILL sunny. I love it!"

"Me too, but maybe we should ask Chiron if he knows what month it is."

Leo and Nico were hanging out in the Hades cabin, staring out a window to look at the rest of Camp. It was the middle of December, but Chiron -- being the awesome super-centaur that he was -- had made sure Camp Half Blood was still getting summer weather.

Leo shrugged in response. "I'm sure he knows, he's just being great."

Nico rolled his eyes. "Whatever."

Since the big break-up drama, things had pretty much gone back to normal for Nico and Leo. A few days ago, Nico had privately spoken to Chloe and told her he had seen her talk to Hades. She had told him she was still his friend, except now she was also his 'protector'. The two had laughed it off, and now, whenever Nico needed help with something, he would go up to Chloe and whisper, "I need help, protector." It had become their little inside joke.

After a short pause, Leo changed the subject. "Chloe said she was going to take us out if the country to do our Christmas shopping."

Nico raised an eyebrow. "Out of the country? Where?"

"I dunno. She said we were going to her favourite city in the world."

Nico snorted. "Well, that could be anywhere! Chloe could run wherever she wants. She's probably been everywhere."

Leo shrugged. "I guess we'll find out at Christmas."

* * *

Nico sat alone on the doorstep of his cabin, listening to the sounds of the campfire in the distance. He would have gone if it weren't for his sudden headache.

Nico watched as a figure approached him. It was already dark out, so he couldn't tell it was Chloe until she sat down beside him. Tonight, instead of her signature jeans-and-jean-jacket style, she wore a plain white t-shirt and white denim shorts that went down to her knees. Chloe really was a tomboy, despite her breathtaking appearance. She couldn't help it if she was beautiful.

"Hey," she said.

"Hey," Nico said back.

"Nico," Chloe started, "You were born in Italy, right?"

"Yeah," Nico replied. "And you were born in New York, if I'm not mistaken."

Chloe laughed. "Actually, you are mistaken. I was born in Italy, too. My whole name is Chloía Daniella Sofia Amaretti. I'm fluent in Italian."

Nico raised an eyebrow. "Really? Wow. So... You're taking me and Leo to Italy for Christmas shopping?"

Chloe smirked. "Nope. I love Italy, but my favourite city isn't in it. You'll never guess."

Nico chuckled. "Okay. Is it in Europe?"






"Uh... South America?"






"That leaves... North America. And you said it wasn't in the U.S.A., so it's in Canada. Your favourite city is in Canada."

Chloe smiled. "Bingo! But no more hints. You'll find out next week, when I take you guys Christmas shopping."

With that, Chloe stood up and walked back to the campfire.

* * *

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