Chapter 2

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Leo walked into the apartment he now shared with Nico and threw his work bag on the floor. He walked over to Nico, who was sitting on the window ledge, staring out the window.

"Hey," Leo started.

"Don't put your man purse on the floor," Nico said blankly without looking, but Leo could see him smiling a bit.

Leo laughed. "Well, where am I supposed to put it?" Nico didn't answer, because there WAS no answer. The boys still didn't own the apartment, so there was still no furniture. That's why Leo went to work at the fast food place across the street in his spare time; so he could eventually afford to buy a nicer place for the two of them.

Nobody else knew that Nico and Leo came here, or even that they were a couple -- they did a good job at covering that up at camp.

After a moment of silence, Leo said, "Okay, Neeks, I'll hang it on the doorknob." He went to go pick up his work bag.

"Don't call me Neeks." Despite being Leo's boyfriend, Nico was still quite defensive.

Leo chuckled and hung the bag from the doorknob. "So, Nico, I've been thinking..."

Nico turned to face Leo. "What?"

"Well, y'know," Leo continued. "It's been exactly one month since we started dating, so we should do something special. Right?"

Nico smiled a little more. "Right."

Leo grinned. "Good. You know the mess hall at camp? Meet me there at midnight tonight." With that, Leo turned and walked out the door, leaving Nico alone on the window ledge.

* * *

Nico walked out of the shadows behind the mess hall, dusting himself off. A cool breeze blew through his long hair. It was exactly 11:59pm, as Nico hadn't wanted to be late. He loved Leo a little more than he was letting on.

So what if he was playing hard-to-get? Leo didn't seem to mind.

Nico walked into the mess hall and all he could think to say was, "My Gods, Leo."

At the far end of the cafeteria, Leo stood in front of a table-for-two, packed with all of Nico's favourite Italian foods: penne pasta in tomato sauce, pizza with porchetta meat on it, even a salad with that special Italian dressing. Nico's jaw dropped.

"Like it?" Leo asked, smiling.

"LIKE it?" Nico laughed. "Leo, I LOVE it!" He grabbed Leo in a quick hug then sat down. Leo sat across from him.

Nico had just finished filling his plate with pasta when he asked, "Um... How did you know what my favourite foods were?"

Leo grinned. "I looked up 'Delicious Italian Dishes' on Google and chose the ones I thought sounded the best."

Nico laughed. "Thank Gods for Google, then." And the two of them started to eat.

* * *

Jason stared at the ceiling of the Zeus cabin, trying to fall asleep. Some of the Romans, including him, had decided to stay at Camp Half Blood, and vice versa for the Greeks.
Finally, when he could no longer ignore his hunger, Jason got out of bed, put on his clothes, and made his way to the mess hall for a midnight snack.

Jason approached the double doors of the cafeteria and opened the one on the right just enough for him to squeeze in, but what he saw inside stopped him in his tracks. There, at the far end of the mess hall, Leo and Nico were talking and laughing and having what seemed to be a romantic dinner-date.

Now, seeing Nico here didn't surprise Jason. It was LEO. Jason knew Nico was gay, but Leo... That was a whole different story.

Jason tried to close the door and quietly go back to his cabin, but the door squeaked so loudly that Nico and Leo went silent and spun around to face the door. Jason felt kind of stupid, being half INSIDE the mess hall and half OUT.

After an awkward silence, Nico asked, "Jason?"

Jason sighed and stepped into the cafeteria, closing the door behind him. "Hey, guys," he said dumbly.

More silence.

Then Leo blurted out, "Were you SPYING on us!?"

Jason took a nervous step back. "No, I... I swear I wasn't. I was just hungry, so I thought... I mean, sorry, guys."

Leo and Nico looked at each other, then Leo sighed. "It doesn't matter. We're done, anyway." He stood and began collecting the dirty dishes off the table.

Jason cautiously approached the table, where Nico was sitting with his face in his hands. Leo disappeared into the kitchen with a pile of dirty dishes.

"Nico, I..." Jason started. He didn't know what to say. He had crashed their date! "Is Leo... Your... Boyfriend?"

Nico looked up at Jason and slowly nodded.

Jason managed a smile. "Oh. That's... I mean, good for you. Look, I really didn't mean to-"

Nico cut him off. "Don't worry, Jason, it's okay. Just... Please don't tell anyone, alright? It's supposed to be a secret, and... Well, I think things are starting to get serious."

Jason nodded. "Of course I won't."

* * *

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