A "Little" Tiff

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After school, I went looking for Brian. He didn't say where to meet him, he just said "meet me". I turned the corner, and got splashed with water. I looked up and saw Casey. This was her umpteenth prank on me, and I was getting fed up.
"Haven't you ever heard of 'watch your back'?" She asked smugly.
"Haven't you ever heard of bullying?"
"Uh! How dare you speak to me like that! Don't you know who I am?"
"Yeah! You're Casey Chapel, a lying, cheating, no good, dirty, rotten scoundrel!" I crossed my arms, satisfied it came out.... even though it wasn't supposed to. I was very hormonal that day, and not in the mood for any tricks or stupidity.
"Scoundrel?! You're the scoundrel!"
"Yes! You! You're the one who is dating Brian, but loves Jesse."
"Huh! That is not a scoundrel! And how the H-E-double hockey sticks did you know that?" I didn't like to swear.
"Everyone knows it.... with the possible exception of Jesse... He's a pretty boy, a bad boy, a Rebel... but he isn't all that smart. And you're even stupider to wanna be his girlfriend."
Suddenly, something snapped inside of me. My hand curled into a fist and hit Casey squarely on the shoulder.
She looked utterly surprised, then angry. She slapped my face, only to receive a slap back. Soon we were rolling around and fighting; the more we fought, the more I felt tears coming.
"Ho-ho-ho-ho-ho-hold it!"Jesse's voice said. He grabbed Casey off of me, and Brian helped me up.
"Why'd you stop her?" Brian asked. "She had her!" I didn't know which one of us he was referring to, and I didn't care.
Casey stared at me. "You little wench!" She slapped my face one more time. She slapped with so much force, my cheek burned. She stuck her tongue out and stormed off.
I started crying and turned around, longing for Brian's embrace. He hugged me as Jesse asked, "Are you okay?"
"She'll be okay." Brian told him.
"Sure I'm sure! Come on, Becky. I'll take you home." He turned me around and put his arm around my shoulders.
"Becky!" Helen came up to us along with Joe. "That was amazing! Nobody's ever hit Casey! Much less gotten into a fight with her!"
"That was awesome!" Joe reiterated as we all walked together. "The way you called her names! Why would you do that?"
I wiped my tears and sniffled. "I-I just coul-could-couldn't take h-her any-anymore."
"Way to go, Becky!" Helen patted me on the back.
From then on, I wasn't so invisible...

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