Chapter 2 - Jones

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                                                         ****Jason’s PoV*****

         I gritted my teeth as I watched Sam walk away. Her hair fell down her back like a curtain, and her sweater bunched up around her like it was meant for someone twice her size. She wore baggy sweatpants and kept her head down, her arms wrapped tightly around each other. She always looked scared, as if at anytime someone would jump out and attack her.

         I shook my head, trying to clear it. Why was I thinking about her anyway? It wasn’t like we’d had a real meaningful conversation or anything, or even said anything memorable. I shook my head again. My phone buzzed in my pocket.

Amy: Hey baby, wanna come over and  do homework? My parents aren't home. ;) 

I sighed. She was annoying and a bitch, but doing "homework" could usually do a good job of taking my mind off my mother. Still I wasn't in the mood today. I told her I couldn't make it and then looked in the direction Sam had went. A car horn brought me out of my thoughts as I realized I was still the road. I shot a glare to the driver and then quickley crossed the road and headed home.

                                                          *****Sam’s PoV*****

         It was winter break, and I should have been excited. I should have been thrilled; two weeks of no homework, no school, no people to deal with. But suddenly it felt wrong- I wanted to run back into class and bury myself with schoolwork. And I wanted to see Jason. I was curious about him. I knew he'd been hiding something in detention, about why he bullies kids. 

         I had to walk to my house, and I just kept replaying that conversation in my head.

        '" I just do."  He said looking at me with a strange look on his face. He was hiding something.

I wondered what his reason was. 

         It was so freaking cold out, I almost wanted to call my parents for a ride, but instead, I pulled out a scarf and earmuffs and buried my face in the collar of my sweatshirt. Anything was better than a car ride with them.

        Once again my thoughts were drawn to my conversation with Jason. He’d seemed almost nice- almost curious, almost smiling. All the things he almost never was. And all of it was because of me.

         Could Jason be nice? I’d never even thought to consider the question. But now I know he's hiding something. And I know it's not my place to pry. But maybe deep down he was actually a nice person .

         I was walking down Main Street now. I decided to take a detour on my way home, since I knew my parents would interrogate me when I arrived home. The air was frigid and I shoved my hands into my pockets and buried my face into my scarf. The cold was making my glasses freezing, and I almost wanted to stop in a store and warm up for a bit, but then I’d have to be around people and I just didn’t want to deal with it right now. I wondered around Town aimlessley for a while, waisting time. It wasn't until i heard an all too familiar, and very annoying voice. Oh no, what is she doing here? I turned to my left to see Amy standing there in all her annoying glory, screaming at an unexpecting lady, who quickly shuffles away from her. 

        When she turns back to her intended victim my heart stops. Jason.


                                                        *****Jason’s PoV*****  

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