Chapter 6

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Destiny's POV:

I wake up to the feeling of Nova nudging me, "Destiny? Darling wake up." "hmm? Nova whats going on?" Nova stopped nudging, "you've been talking in your sleep like you were speaking to someone" I nodded to Nova, "I was" "who were you speaking to?" "Yusei. Except there was something I needed to tell him but I disappeared before I could even get it out." "what did you wanna tell him?" I looked at where I thought Nova was, "to release the wolf inside." I think Nova perked her ears up; I never know. " the wolf? Like another wolf like me?" I nodded. "how?" "there is some things he doesn't know about me like this place and how he's my-" before I could finish my sentence the man opened the door "next fight is in two minutes come now." I growl to myself and have Nova follow him.

After the fight:

"what did you wanna tell me again?" "I yeah Yusei is no ordinary man when I was running I ran past the room that had a man speak through a speaker and if said, "get Destiny Fudo Now!"" I heard Nova gasp, "Yusei is your brother?" I nodded.

Yusei's POV:

I wake up suddenly from a dream and started breathing really hard. I looked over to see Jack fast asleep in a chair. I look around my room, I close my eyes and take a deep breath when I open them I see a wolf at the end of Imy bed. I widened my eyes then it disappears. My breathing picks up again. I see Jack wake up, "Yusei? Good morning." then he gets a better look at me; staring at nothing and breathing really hard, "Yusei you alright?" he said as he sat next to me on my bed. I didn't look or answer him. "Yusei come on you can talk to me you know this." he said as he brushed my hair with his hand. I shook if it and nodded to Jack. I didn't think believed but he acted like he did and walked out of my room, I got up and followed behind him.

I found Crow talking to Akiza and the twins, I noticed Akiza turn around and had relief on her face, "Yusei you're ok thank goodness!" I smiled Leo; one of the twins ran up to me, "yes! I knew you'd be fine you're the strongest guy I know!" "Hey!" I heard Jack protest, "I'm a strong guy too!" Leo smiles and started laughing.

I smile then I swore I hear a howl in my head I look over and I see that wolf from before, it looked like a ghost though it was blue and transparent. I watched roam around the room, but as it would get closer to my deck the more active it would get.

Jacks POV:

I stopped scoffing at Leo when I looked over to Yusei he wasn't paying attention to anything he was just looking at nothing. I tapped his shoulder to try and get his attention, " Yusei are you ok." He seemed to jump a little when I spoke, " sorry thought I saw something." I looked to where he was staring seeing nothing I shrugged to myself and joined the others downstairs. Akiza was being cheerfully; which never happens unless it is something that will make her cheerful, she kept talking to Yusei about just stuff I couldn't really here what they were saying. Yusei seemed a little distracted though. He wouldn't look at Akiza unless she asked him a question. He would just smile and nod though. I noticed him say something and get up and walk off to his room with his deck in his hand.

Destiny's POV:

I walk into my room and collapsed on my bed, "ugh that fight suuuucked!!" "Oh darling calm down you still won, li-" " Like every other fight I know." I heard Nova walk over to me, "is something wrong darling?" I shook my head, "I'm fine Nova. Really."

  Nova's POV:

I looked at destiny who was laying completely on her bed staring at nothing. I walked over to the bed and jumped on it and kate's next to her, "We got out of here once we can do it again." Destiny didn't talk for a moment, "I know Nova but if we escape the first person they'll go for if they find out he's alive is Yusei!" I nodded, "I know darling, but I th-" "that's all you say!!" Destiny interrupted me, "Darling i" "Darling this and darling that I'm sick of it. I'm sick of you!" My ears went down, "you don't mean those words!" Destiny nodded, "I do!" I felt tears come out, "fine if you wanna be alone I'll go." I looked at Destiny one last time, "who had anger all over her face, "that would be great!" I jump off the bed and walk to the other side of the room. "No." I looked up at Destiny, "What now!?" Destiny scoffed, " I want you to leave!" I came into realization she wanted me to leave the room, I nodded and walked out of the door which was wide open and closed it behind me.

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