Chapter 20 (edited)

Start from the beginning

I wrinkled my nose and shook my head. Xavier laughed and held my head still and kissed my forehead. I went back to talking about deb with the girls.

Cira was giddy about the idea of deb, she had stated that it didn't matter if Cale wanted to do it or not, he was doing it either way.

I laughed as he raised his eyebrows at her and looked a bit scared. Cayley and Travis had already signed up and she asked me to go dress shopping with her on the weekend. Of course I said yes, who wouldn't help their best friend shop for her deb dress. My phone vibrated and I pulled it out reading my mum's text message.


I squealed with excitement. Xavier looked at me with concern but I just kissed his lips and showed the message. His face brightened and he chuckled at my excitement. I stood up and held my hand out to him. He took my hand and stood up.

"Where are you two going?" called Cayley.

"To sign up for deb" I shouted back.

I walked as fast as I could pulling Xavier with me to the school bulletin board. He chuckled until we stopped at the board. He stood behind me and wrapped him arms around my waist, his hands resting on my stomach as he leaned his chin on my shoulder.

I grabbed a pen from the ledge and wrote my name on the sheet then held out the pen to Xavier. He kissed my cheek as he took the pen from me and wrote him name in the partner box next to mine.

"Thank-you" I said softly as I looked up at him.

"Anything for you" he said, then kissed my check.

There was clapping and I stiffened as Xavier growled. I turned my head slightly and saw Stewart standing there with a smirk on his face.

Xavier's arms tightened around me as I started to shake. His growl vibrating through his chest.

"What a cute couple" Stewart spat.

"Let's just go Xavier" I said my voice raw from fear.

Xavier nodded slowly and took both my hands in one of his, I went to start walking but Stewart took a step towards me, making Xavier stop and hiss. Stewart didn't seem phased by Xavier's warning he merely just laughed.

I looked at him in confusion. Stewart should have been scared not laughing this off, any normal person would have thought that Xavier was deranged and would have left, but not Stewart.

"Don't come any closer to her" growled Xavier.

He looked just about ready to tackle Stewart, his action put me on edge reminding me that Xavier wasn't human, he looked animalistic right now. His eyes going red the veins throbbing and his fangs threatening to come out. His chest and biceps muscles bulged under his shirt, and as much as I fear was going to happen next I couldn't help but ogle him.

Stewart cackled, the noise making me flinch. It was so evil.

"I'm not scared of you, I know what you are and how to kill you and trust me I will kill you"

I shook with rage, he just threatened Xavier's life, this wasn't good. I couldn't let him take Xavier away from me, I wouldn't let it happen.

"Leave us alone" I spat holding my ground.

I couldn't be a coward anymore not when this bastard threatened Xavier's life. In that moment I wanted Stewart dead more than anything in the world.

Stewart chuckled low and menacingly. "Oh, looks like the bitch still has some spark left in her"

Xavier growled and let go of my hand his nails growing into claws and his fangs extended. I stood close to him holding the back of his shirt in my fists. My blood boiled at Stewart's words.

A Vampire's Heart {Completed} (Edited) (Book 1 of AVH)Where stories live. Discover now