Chapter 18 (edited)

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Copyrights 2012 © Elena Sgro

All Rights Reserved

This chapter was edited by the lovely @smiling_meerkat


Chapter 18:

Xavier's glaring gaze didn't leave Stewart's face as he spoke.

"No, everything is okay here sir. Right Stewart?" His teeth clenched.

Stewart smirked. "Yeah I was just leaving" he said as he started to back away.

I felt his eyes on me, his gaze burning. My hands started to tremble. Cira noticed this and put her arm around my shoulders.

"Very well then." the manager Steve said as he walked away.

"You got lucky this time Lena" spat Stewart as we went back to his table.

Xavier growled as he sat back down. Cira instantly removed her arm from my shoulders and Xavier pulled me close. He kissed my temple and I started to relax my hands stopped shaking. Whenever he held me close I felt safe, looking over at my parents my dad was stressed and concerned and my mum was fearful. My heart squeezed, this whole situation was hurting my parents. My anger spiked, I hated Stewart he was causing stress not only for me but for my parents. My jaw clenched and my brow furrowed in anger. I didn't understand my emotions lately, I was never like this. I was usually calm and rarely got anger. I didn't understand my feelings at all lately.

"Babe calm down" Xavier whispered in my ear.

I looked into his beautiful eyes and felt myself relax my jaw unclenched. I sighed this boy really had an effect on me.

"Sweetheart why don't you go out shopping now, take your mind off things?" my dad offered. I was about to argue when Cira cut me off.

"That would be great, thank you Sam" she squealed.

"But what are you going to do?" I asked my parents.

Mum gave me a small smile and held dad's hand. "Don't worry about us sweetheart just go and have some fun" she said.

"Okay" I said. Cira stood up. Hugged my mum and shook my dad's hand. I got up with Xavier, kissed my parents cheeks and Xavier shook my dad's hand and kissed my mum's cheek making her giggle. Dad gave me his credit card telling me to buy whatever I liked. I gave him a strange look. That was a first, Dad had given me his credit card before but had never told me to buy whatever I liked. This was very strange behavior for him but I took it without hesitation because as if I wouldn't and before I knew what happened, Xavier wrapped his arms around my waist and led me out of the cafe and into his car.

We arrived at the shops and got stuck straight into it, Cira and I went into every shop we had passed, Xavier following us. He hadn't complained or anything but I could tell he was bored of following us around. I told him he didn't have to follow us but he insisted on staying with me. I sat down in a waiting chair in front of the dressing rooms, loud music played around the store and Cira was getting change into a dress she picked out.

"Are you almost done?" I called.

"Hold your horses Lena" she giggled.

Xavier chuckled as he leaned against a wall with his arms crossed. I looked over at him and gave him a seductive smile. I didn't understand why he was standing over by the wall I wanted him by my side. Looking into his eyes I saw them turn pink and my breath caught, lust was what he felt. His eyes beckoned me to him. I got up and walked over to him my hips swaying in the process. His eyes watched my every move. His arms dropped to his side as I reached him. I my hands instinctively went to his chest and I could feel his heart race. He wrapped his arms around my waist crushing me to him. His head leaning down towards mine. His breath hot and sweet on my lips. We were just about to kiss when.

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