Personal Perfect Prison

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Not About Angels - Birdy


Teardrops form an ocean in the palm of my hands
The quivering of lips, I believe are mine
Like bullets, his words pop holes in my skin
I think to myself, when will this suffering end?

My head throbs, my eyes bloodshot
My shoulder blades writhe in pain from hunched sobs
Memories of his bullets flood my brain
I'm convinced that if I stay, I'll go insane.

I just needed someone to listen as I speak
Who won't judge me on things I say
Nor interrupt while I pour out bottled up emotions
But I guess it's just you and me now
Me and my bruised, damaged heart

Thank you for not listening...

The walls are closing in on me
I'm struggling to breathe, suffocating
My throat constricts, my eyes water
The pain doesn't want to go away
I'm fed up

I'm done


A/N: Hey guys!! I'm sorry for not updating as I ought to. I wrote this poem last year but when I stumbled upon it, I decided to share.

I can never forget the day I wrote this poem, I felt unloved, like an outcast and a burden. I cried my eyes out while typing on my WhatsApp status. It was a Wednesday and like always I'd been denied another wish. The worst part is there was no real concern shown for how I felt. But it's all good now.

I really hope no one else feels this way ever again.

Lots of love,

Lots of love, TheDarkChocolate1

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