“You’re human.” It wasn’t a question. I somehow knew without a doubt. When did my senses heighten?

“Yes I am. The only one allowed in the pack house which can be a problem when I need help. But I do have a young wolf who is my apprentice at the moment. That really helps things along now.” He smiled at me and I just nodded.

“How did you get me to sleep?”

“Oh yes. It took a while but I finally developed a tranquilizer that your bodies can’t metabolize as rapidly. It will come in handy when you go through your heat.” He cleared his throat, obviously uncomfortable with the conversation.

“He never plans on mating me. Does he?” The doctor didn’t say anything and I got up from the bed. “You should really rest.”

“I just want to rest in my own bed. Okay?” He nodded as I walked out of the room. Where the hell was I? Thankfully Brett was making his way towards me.


“Very.” He just smiled as he started to walk back down the hall he just came from. I followed in silence until we made it to the foyer.

“Is there any more work for us to do?” He shook his head and I knew it was a lie. There was no way he finished all of that paperwork in a day. “None for you. We’re under strict orders.”

Of course. We walked to a room and Brett stopped and motioned to the door with his arm. “Here you are.” I looked at the door before looking back at him.

“Your room.” I opened my mouth to say something but quickly closed it, thinking better of it. I wasn’t going to punish Brett for something he didn’t do. “Fine. Tell your cousin I want to speak to him.”

He nodded and walked back down the hall. I opened the door and walked into a grey room with a dark purple accent wall. The bed was all white with purple accent pillows. I sat on the bed and sighed.

I just don’t understand V. He asked me what I wanted but what does he want? He sure is sending me mixed signals.

“What?” I looked up at an indifferent V. He honestly didn’t care.

“Why?” Was all I asked.  It’s all I wanted to know at the moment.

“You wanted to go home.” He shrugged his shoulders as if it was no big deal pissing me off more than I already was.

“Because I wanted to go home. You marked me and left me to suffer because I wanted to go home! Is that why you kicked me out of the room?!” He didn’t say anything. He didn’t even move. He just kept staring at me.

“Answer me damn it!” He still didn’t answer me.

I went to slap him but he caught my arm. It was then that I understood why. Why he marked me, why he hasn’t and won’t mate me, and also why we were going to Europe.

 “I was hoping you learned your less from last time.” He let go of my hand and everything went away.

“When are we going to Europe?” He tilted his head sideways as he stared at me. “I didn’t say anything about Europe.”

Did I imagine it all? I vividly heard him saying that we were going to go to Europe since he had to meet his dad.

“We are going to Europe. Next week. I have to see my dad and I’m sure you’ll want to go see your family as well.” So I didn’t imagine it.

I sat there thinking about what I heard until V cleared his throat to get my attention. “Who told you about Europe?”

“You.” He looked at me like I grew a third eye before he shook his head. “No I didn’t. I would have remembered.”

“No you did. You said that were going to Europe to meet your dad and that you marked me so that Mason knew that I was yours, and that you wouldn’t mate me because-“

“Where did you hear this?” He seemed to be trying to contain himself. If he didn’t say it then how did I hear it?

I looked at my hand before I slowly walked back towards V. He watched me cautiously, worried about what I would do. I reached my hand out for his and heard his voice again but he wasn’t speaking. I heard him in my head. I quickly pulled my hand away and walked back to the bed.

“What’s wrong?” V sounded genuinely worried but I couldn’t tell him. Not yet at least. “Nothing. I’m just really sore and tired still from yesterday.”

I felt V’s chest pressed against my back making me lose the ability to breath. He swept my hair to the right side before I felt his breath on my mark.

“I’m sorry.” It was so low I wasn’t sure he actually apologized until I felt his lips press against the mark. I felt my knees go weak before V held me up around my waist.

As soon as I could stand by myself he let go and left out of the room. That was weird and we didn’t talk about what I wanted to, but I can’t believe I can hear V’s thoughts. Is that something that mates can do? But it shouldn’t work since I haven’t marked him and we weren’t even mated yet.

Whatever the reason, it helped me understand V more. Without his mark, even as his mate, I was fair game for any male. It explains why he feels territorial when I mention Mason. As for the mating, he wanted to wait until I was older. Maybe he isn’t that bad?

I Can't Be Your Luna, I'm a BetaWhere stories live. Discover now