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The train started to move slowly towards another destination, the air horn blown at majestic sound.

January which without any doubt, is among the coldest of months of the year had made hiccups in everyday life of the people. Most trains running late, people who seemed fatter than ever with the winter clothes.

Among the lakhs of people travelling that day, I too was one among them. Journeys form an abstracted thought in my mind. I adjusted myself in one corner and started observing others around. Passenger trains are generally crowded with more of the village folks around, travelling short distances with unpaid tickets. I closed my eyes, heads down, reflecting random thoughts and experiences of my life.


Another station arrived, the abrupt breaks and the vexatious suspension waking me up from my trance. I peeped out of the window. Humanity all around, busy with the usual work. Passengers throwing cloth pieces inside, claiming their indisputable right for seats.

A mother carrying boy in her arms, squeaked inside the already crammed cabin. As she sat facing me, I had a casual glance at the child. Probably around 3-4 years old, fluffy but pallid cheeks. "The child is definitely malnourished! The winter cold, dried his skin.", I mumbled to myself in malayalam. The mother wore scanty traditional attire, thin sweater; clearly reflecting the reason of her cold shivers.

Aaron, as that was the child's name, had a coin in his hand. While I ruminated on the probabilities of him putting it in his mouth; he as if a child mind reader, swiftly tossed the coin into his mouth like a toffee. Stories flashing of the result of this act; I immediately scolded him to spit it out. Mother, now very vary of of his karma, pulled out the coin away from him.

I was relieved. The child started whimpering loudly, demanding his only treasure to be returned. Finally heeding to his tantrums, she gave him the one rupee coin. An indignant look from him towards me, he resumed his fun.

Most of my fellow passengers looked busy, talking about worldly affairs; some about politics and other on the cold this year. Where is global warming ?

"Moongfali Le Lo..Moongfali..", the groundnut seller shrieked. The child now set his eyes on the bag full of nuts, piously looking back to his mother.

She smiled lovingly, taking out money from the batua. Vexed a bit from the the money spent, she took the small pouch filled with groundnuts; put on the boy's lap. He slowly started munching the nuts. I imagined him as an oversized squirrel, gnawing.


Sun setting, I finally stood up to alight from the train. Picking my trolley, I finally had a last glance of the boy. He was peacefully asleep in her lap after the feast. I thanked the people around, in my mind for adding one more good life learning experience in my life, alighted outside, facing the station.

"Just half journey completed my boy!", I exclaimed to myself. This station had been a constant companion for the past many years. The connecting train was yet to arrive; most probably later by two hours due to imminent lack of visibility due to winter cold. I raced to the Upper Class Waiting Room, the winter cold taking its toll on myself.

I am one lucky boy; I found vacant seats in the waiting room, well that's what I assumed until finding the AC isn't working. Travellers all around me, staring me, evaluating me...

"Son, I have packed food for the night. Remember to eat it.", I recollected my mother's voice. Being an introvert person, I usually felt awkward eating in front of many people. In later years, I found a method of overcoming it. I would usually not look into anyone's face but directly start to eat, and only after that would explore my surroundings.

After gobbling fast to finish my packed dinner, I melted myself in viewing around me. Waiting room was tad better than outside, where the cold at night would sent a shiver to anyone's spine.

Sitting to the far right was a family of five; with a two daughters and one boy. They looked prosperous, visibly from their attire and behaviour. The boy child was wearing a coat which made others imagine if the coat was wearing him! He had an indubitable resemblance to the one in the train. It was more eerie when I found that the child's name too was Aaron! Though apart from this, the demeanour of the family was much different unlike the one I witnessed.

The child's antics were on display and he was fighting with his sisters and mother. The frolic of Aaron amused all fellow travellers and at one point he ululated so loud, that I was forced to close my ears.

Mother seemed to care less about the troubles around, as she was busy on her smartphone, probably browsing social media.

"The malfeasance of this Internet Age.", I uttered to myself.

My mind started to wander off in deep thoughts. Both of them are similar by name but miles apart in actions and surroundings. No doubt the future brighter for one, the other will have to face inevitable problems in the future.

The cocoon of childhood is lovely, but the real world lurks outside, waiting to swallow the weak.

The mother seemed to care less of him, busy with smartphone. His sisters, failing to counter his childhood tomfoolery; settle to play girl games.

Time passed quickly, as I heard the announcement for the arrival of my train, I stood up carrying my backpack. Life had given me contrasting experiences throughout my journeys. But what I realised was the mere amount of helplessness a common man experiences in day to day life. Nothing can suffice the greed of this generation. The more we get exposed to new innovations and the more we care less for the people around. We talk to people miles apart but fail to speak a few words to our own kith who live under the same roof.

"I am thinking too much .", I thought and subdued further reflections.

"B2 35 . Yes that's my seat in the train.", I repeated to myself while I boarded my train, leaving aside the world to make its own journey and longing for another travel experience.

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