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Samantha's POV 

I was walking home from the bus stop talking to my friend Chloe about my day, Mostly my morning. I have to use my old flip phone for now since I'm grounded which means I can't text but whatever. School was pretty normal today nothing really to talk about but we were still talking mostly because Chloe wanted me to come over and do "homework". I roll my eyes just thinking about this because you see homework with Chloe isn't really homework it's working for 10-15 minutes and then goofing off until her mom gets home at which time we run up stairs and write some random answers in hopes to not get in trouble. Which may work for the time but it forces me to do the work again which leads to me staying up late which leads to me waking up late which leads to me being in trouble. Me and my other friends have a saying Chloe's the one you hang with if you want to have fun not if you want to get stuff done. I tell Chloe I'll call her back and I walk into the house and run up stairs Michaels not home so I have some time to myself. I open up my backpack and pull out my homework, it's pretty simple stuff I only have to do Math homework and a study guide for Science. I flop on my bed and get started within 20 minutes I'm done. I roll over on my bed bored as hell I decide to call Michael and ask him if I can go to Chloe's after all he didn't say I couldn't hang out with friends I just hope he doesn't feel like acting like a hardass.

Michael's POV 

BZZZZ BZZZZ... BZZZZ BZZZZ... I look at my phone it's Sammy, I look over at Paul my boss and ask to excuse myself from the conference "Hey Paul I got a personal call I have to take do you mind if I step out?" I question. Paul just glares finally he sighs and I can finally breathe again "yeah just make it quick these things aren't gonna put themselves on the market." He says chuckling. Sometimes I can never read that guy he seems upset one moment and he thinks it's all a big joke the next. I step out of the room and walk down the hall a bit before I finally answer. "Hey Sammy whatcha ya need?" I question. She stutters for a second and I can almost hear her blushing but she manages to talk "Yeah um I was just wondering if I could go to Chloe's for a little I already did my homework and I promise we won't watch tv." She pleads. I put the phone on mute and chuckle to myself letting her sweat it out after all what are brothers for all the while though I'm silently kicking myself because she's right I forgot to say she was grounded from friends. I decide to not ground her further after all the point of me punishing her is that hopefully in the future she will be reminded to make better choices and to be more mature. I make up my mind and after letting her sweat it out for a good minute I take her off mute "Alright honey you can go to Chloe's but on one condition you are to be back in the house at 6:45 not leaving Chloe's, not calling me to come pick you up, not around the block in the house  that gives you 2 hours okay?".She almost cuts me off answering " Yes Michael Love you bye!" CLICK*. Did she- did she just hang up on me?  I shake my head but decide to make nothing of it I'll just mention it when she gets home since I'll be there a few minutes before 6:45

Samantha's POV 

He said yessssssss I immediately start to call Chloe but decide against it I'll just surprise her. I walk over to Chloe's since she only lives a quarter of a mile away I check the time 5:00 I'll be fine. I knock and Chloe answers almost immediately  looking elated she quickly lets me in and after arguing with her for a little bit about not turning on the tv we settle on a game of cards. While we play we also talk about the new student Marshall a student who's supposed to be starting at are school next week. Soon enough Chloe pulls out her phone and looks up his snapchat I gotta admit he's kinda cute as we scroll through his snaps we start to forget all about the game, and with it the time. As were drooling over Marshall's selfies Chloe gets a text from her mom "Hey honey I'll be home in about 10 minutes I want you to make sure the dishwasher is unloaded ok? So that gives you till 6:50 see in a lil.😉" I quickly do the math in my head of the time my results almost give me a heart attack especially when I look at the clock and they become confirmed. 6:40!? I can't make it home that fast I don't even have shoes on! My brothers words echo in my head you are to be back in the house at 6:45 not leaving Chloe's, not calling me to come pick you up, not around the block in the house. I whimper Chloe being the good friend she is grabs my shoes and socks and tells me I can use her bike. I thank her ten times over as I pull on my converse hopping on one foot out the door. I run to the side of the house and grab her bike and start pedaling as fast I can. A quarter of a mile in 4 minutes on a small pink bike that would have to be some kind of  world record... But only if I made it. A few tiring minutes later my house is in sight my feet pedal almost mechanically as I silently cursed whoever designed Applehill drive and decided to make the street so long. Still caught up in my thoughts I here my neighbors truck behind me honking it nearly scares me out of my skin and I fall into the grass the trucks skirts by billowing the smell of pure gasoline back at me "Asshole!" I yell in anger but not angry enough to want him to really hear me. 6:45 shit shit shit I think to myself my house is right there my only hope is to hope he's not home but that thoughts quickly erased as I ride closer and see the Charger parked in the garage. At this pointing panting and out of breath I walk into the garage hoping to maybe walk in unnoticed fat chance I think to myself. I'm have my hand on the doorknob ready to walk in and face the music when I have what is either my absolute best or worst idea. I can get in around back! I think jumping excitedly. You see when your born and raised in the same house your whole life you start to figure out all the kinks random things that aren't usually helpful but when your in a situation where you need to know your glad you do. This is one of those occasions we have a big oak tree out back with big branches that span all the way to the guest room window. That window being special and key to this equation do to the fact that it's the only window in this house that doesn't lock... You see where I'm going with this? I'm no master climber but I can get up that oak tree might as well be muscle memory at this point do to the fact that I was really shy when I was younger so instead of hanging out with friends and playing during the summer I would just grab a book and climb that tree reading till my Brother called me for dinner. I spent entire summers up there so this would be no problem I prop Chloe's bike up on the side of my house and jog into my backyard. I quickly hop up into the tree and within the minute I'm up parallel to the window I start to scoot out on the branch praying that it holds. This wouldn't have to happen if my brother wasn't such a hard ass I think grimacing I scoot to the end of the branch and run into a problem, this branch isn't as long as I thought it was. I immediately start to panic my mind racing What do I do!? I can't very well jump for the windowsill if the fall doesn't kill me Michael will!  I start to tear up my mind still racing And I can't go back I can't see! There's almost a hundred percent chance I fall!  My breath becomes shaky a this point I'm close to full on crying until suddenly I here the Charger being fired up gasp*(corny I know lol) That must be Michael!  And without evening thinking I open my mouth and yell "Michael!" For a second the only sound to hear is the low hum of the charger and my heart races thinking he is going to drive off and leave me. Until finally I hear the Charger being turned off and footsteps going to the side of the house. Once again silence until I hear it clear in the night, A worried voice calls out "Sammy?"

Corny I know hope you guys like it though! I tried to weave a bit of character development in there I don't want this story to become repetitive Misbehave spank repeat Misbehave spank repeat and so on and so on. So to prevent that I'm trying to build my characters so that later down the line I have some things I can build off of. Well like usual I would love to hear your guys feedback and ideas! Xoxo P.s I'm probably gonna update the second part tonight so be on the lookout for that!😉

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