Chapter 4: Forest, Fortune, Adiuvat

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Disclaimer: Mine.

Tranalation: "Fortune favours the brave."

Have you considered my offer?" A deep yet melodic voice assulted his ears. The prince merely look up from his newspaper and breakfast to give the whatever creature this is a withering glare. He made the mistake of calculating too much and end up not sleeping the whole night, any miscalculation he made just because he lacked rest can lead to mistakes. Mistakes that could effect millions of life. This is why he hated the life of a royal, often it's more burden than anything good.

The man dressed in all black, including his loafers save for the pair of grey jeans. The simple V neck t shirt cling nicely to his muscular form. With long sleeve rolled up and the end tucked into the well fitted jeans.

"Aside from your name, what is your whole race called?" He asked while the another sat down in front of him. A bit more time to think, that is all that he need.

"We do not have a name. We lost it and our old selves. Ancient civilization would called us many names such as Nala, Nhyt, Nukhraya, Layil. Other species were called Asmata, Al-Hinn, Atlanteans."

"You are Atlantean?"

"No." The male look at him, obviously offended.

"Well, I would at least what to know what you are."

If you will be a threat in someway beyond normal ones.

"Oh, why? Afraid of me?" He purred again, his grin slowly spread until it revealed a row of white teeth and a pair of fangs. Unfortunately, they were slightly hidden from the breakfast room crowd, or else he would love an excuse to wipe the man's smug, arrogant look.

"If you agree, I will sated your curiosity by bringing you to meet the rest of my people. We have an annual meeting soon. It will be held in public hotel and your safety is guaranteed."

Now he felt as if the vampire is mocking him. Tiny fragile creature, so concern about their safety as if death will not come to them sooner or later.

Immortal bastard

"Either Four Season or Shangri-La hotel. I will contact you about it later"

Immortal rich bastard

The prince let out a sighed, "A verbal agreement is nothing. At least come down to my room again, so we can create a temporary alliance that is black and white."

"Certainly." The man shrug and took a bite of his bacon. Alvah notice the slight cringe and there is a certain question that have been playing in his head for some time,

"What about other vampires? You told me you are not one. Do they know of you?"

The man paused before continue eating. The prince swore he could feel the disgust emitting from the male with every food that touches his lips.

"They do not because we hide and blend in but in a way we created the first vampires. They are what comes when some of us lay with childrens of Lilith.

Long time ago, we can almost interbreed with any species we want but it was as if a curse is placed on the line, they are all damned in some way. The mated ones are fine but it is always only within our own race save for a few.

Wars have been waged due to our emotion and greed, there are still crater, lands that are now barren or flat. Emotions are overwhelming once it came to exist. We killed each other and other races, this Earth was soaked in blood of many." The eyes dulled, dimmed in grief, even the power that would withering, as if a beast caged waiting to be released so it can consume everything stilled. The man continued,

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