Scene 7

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Crunch-crunch-munch-sluuurrrppp, I turn and see Theo munching and slurping everything he just got, "you can not be serious," he looks over at me with a twizzler hanging out of his mouth, "what..i'm a man... I needa eat," I roll my eyes and laugh and steal a twizzler from out of the bag. An hour passes and the movie finishes and next to me, Theo being the weirdo he is, shouts loud and applauds like this movie was the best thing he's ever seen in his life. "Such a great film.." he looks over at me and smiles, "ready to go home?" I nod a yes and right on time..I yawn.

"That was fun," he nods and looks up at me, then at the front door, "i'm glad you liked it," he looks down at my hand, grabs it and starts rubbing small circles on the back of it with his thumb, "I'm going to hit the road now, don't want your Aunt screaming and throwing shit at me," I laugh and look down at his thumb, than look back at already see him staring like a goof. And we just stand there, with little circles rubbing on my hand and a dark starry sky, he leans in and kisses me, right on the cheek. Then, this asshole laughs, "what's so funny," "your...eyes, they closed, 'oh my Theo, kiss me..please," I turn away, "your an ass," he stops laughing, grabs my hand spins me around, and in two seconds he's hugging me like i'm the most comfortable thing in the world, "I had fun...and never change for anyone, I like you this way,"he whispers. I pull back and roll my eyes, "laters, babes," I turn back around, still walking, "i'm not your babe." he laughs and starts skipping towards the car. He ignores me and smiles once he gets in the car, I roll my eyes for about the fourth time today and enter the house. Once in the house I come face to face with Aunt Ruth shaking and sweating horribly on the ground, I throw everything down and rush to her, "Aunt Ruth!" I turn her on her side and bring over cool towels, laying them all over body. Seconds, minutes, and even a hour passes until she's finally okay again. "I'm so sorry you have to see me like this Elizabeth, i'm trying so hard..I really am," I nod and help her up and walk with her to her room, "how was he...the boy," "he was...good, he's a nerd kinda." she chuckles and after a minute of silence she falls asleep. I exit the room and shut the door softly. I go around the house making sure everything is locked and in it's right place, once that's done I head into the bathroom and rinse off, thinking about everything that's happened in the last couple of days, maybe life isn't that bad, I turn off the shower and head into my maybe permanent room. After making sure I get everything done, I flop in bed and let myself drift off into sleep.'"Shhhh...stay quiet," I look up at mommy and quietly put on my jacket and shoes, "where are we going mommy," she just shakes her head and puts a finger over her lips. We leave out of my room and mommy looks both ways down the hallway like she's on the road looking for cars. She grabs my hand and moves me quickly through the hallway out to the front door...but someone grabs her and I turn around in shock to see Mr. Richard pulling on mommy, "stop let mommy go," tears pour from my eyes as he drags her back into mommy's bedroom and the screams start.'

I wake up sweating slightly, outside it's still looks dark, I raise up out of my bed and open my door to complete silents, I head towards the kitchen to make myself a cup of tea...I don't drink coffee, it's always been to bitter for me. In my room I hear my phone buzz, I turn down the fire on the water and rush to go and get the phone. "Hello..." "your up, didn't expect that," I listen to Theo yawn and head back to the kitchen to finish up the tea, "right now isn't a good time Theo, i'm trying to make tea and then head back to bed....why are you even up, it's 3 in the morning," he doesn't say anything, he just sits there and so do I, we do this to often, "I just couldn't stop thinking about your horrible stupid laugh," I gasp in shock, "my not stupid, if anything your face is stupid," "ha...yeah right you love this face, and okay...maybe your laugh isn't that bad..but I mean you sound like a cat trying to sing," he laughs and I squint my eyes, "you are such an ass, you know that right," "listen, I can't get your laugh out of my head, so I thought that if I just heard your voice I would be able to fall asleep..." I sit there and sip my tea, "well, you've heard it goodnight.." "wait...wait, I gotta say something....I don't say 'I love you' in relationships...only if I feel it, okay....I just want to let you know so you don't get all butt hurt on me when I don't say it," "yes...that's perfectly fine with me...goodnight Theodore," "laters babes." I hang up the phone and take a sip of the tea that's just warm enough to drink. Once finished I set the cup in the sink and head back to bed, for a minute I just lay there...not even feeling tired at all, I need to run, I get back up from my bed and change into jogging material and grab everything I might need while trying to put on my shoes. I leave out of the house and blast my music and start running like my life depends on it.

I get back to the house and enter to see Aunt Ruth eating in the dining room, "hey aunt Ruth," I take out my earbuds and walk over to the table, "Hey, Elizabeth... I wanna talk to you about something," "sure, what's going on," "I..." she stops and looks up at me, "I signed you up with a therapist..please don't be upset, just listen. You've gone through so much and I know you must be so stressed out about everything...and like I said, I just want to help you," I sit there nodding to nothing while tapping the floor with my foot, "Elizabeth..please say something..anything," I look up at her and search her face for anything, "I don't need any help Aunt Ruth...what don't people understand, if I needed help, i'd ask for it..okay," "you run..." she stands up and leaves me sitting there at the table looking dumbfounded. My mind races through everything that's wrong with me, maybe I do need help, I get up from the table and take a shower, I sit on my bed and push my hands through my hair groaning, "Aunt Ruth," I scream her name and listen for her footsteps, "Aunt Rut-," "Yes, hun.." "when," I look up at her and a smirk appears on her face, " 11 am," I nod and she leaves me alone in the room, what have I gotten myself into, I get up from my bed and check my phone for any messages, 1 Theo, not now Theo, I close out the phone and walk to work, "excuse me miss, do you know where the nearest diner is or anywhere where I can get food," I tell the young woman that i'm actually going to a diner right now and she can tag along if she would like... "i've been trying to find someone all day," the woman whispers to me, I turn to her confused and she just keeps looking straight, "I don't understand," "He's after me, but he won't do things in front of people...." I look cautiously around and see no one around us the only thing that passes us are the cars, I turn my head back straight and keep my attention only on the woman, "what's his name," "David...David," she mumbles the man's name again and again all the way until we get to the diner, "Thank you for your help miss," she walks away fast towards the bathrooms and I leave it be.

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