“Go, but I thought we were going to spend time together?”

“We are, we will I just have things I need to do.”

“Everyone has things to do but me. It’s so boring here”

“Well find something to do and then you won’t be so bored.”

She runs across the room and grabs my arm “I haven’t really been left alone since I got here. I don’t want to be by myself. I get lonely.”

“Fine” I say holding back a sigh “I guess I can stay a little longer. You need to learn to be on your own though. Besides this place is full of demons, you could go explore Hell and make friends. I’m sure there are demons here with cool powers they could show you?”

“But what if they don’t like me?” She asked sounding like a small child.

I am so out of my element here. I had no idea what to say to her. “Like I said this place is packed with demons I’m sure you will be able to find someone that you like to be a friend. And why wouldn’t they like you?”

She smiled at me “Yeah why wouldn’t they.” She pulls my arm and drags me across the bedroom back to my seat. “Sit here while I go get changed. I want to model some of my clothes to you so you can tell me which ones you think Gabe would like best. He promised once I’m allowed back on earth he will take me out on a date.” Once she made sure I wasn’t moving my seat she raced back over to her closet.

“Great.” I muttered “Sounds…….fun”

“I know right? I love having a sister” She said rushing out of closet with an armful of clothes “It will only take me a minute to ty on the first one.” She rushing into her bathroom.

An hour later my head ache had turned into a migraine. Where the hell did she get all her clothes from? When she said a few I thought four outfits at the most. After she showed me the twentieth one I had, had enough. Using my headache as an excuse I quickly escaped her room and was now making my way to mine I had wanted to go see my father and talk to him about Manah and that possibly that there are more out there. That I wasn’t the only one. But I was too drained for that now.  I needed to rest my aching head and then come up with a better plan to help my half-sister because if I had to sit through another one of her modeling shows I wasn’t sure what I would do but it wouldn’t be pretty.

Opening my door to my bedroom I sighed in relief. I may not use this room often but it was starting to become my sanctuary.

Not bothering changing into something more comfortable I flop down on my bed and groaned in relief. Just a short nap and I should be fine. I thought closing my eyes and drifting off to sleep.

“Where is she?” I woke to my father’s voice shouting above me. Rolling over I saw that he was looking down at me.

“Huh?” I asked still half asleep

“Your sister where is she?”

“I don’t know, why are you asking me. Last time I saw her she was in her room.”

“Where you should be. Watching her.” He said sounding pissed.

“Watching her? What are you talking about? I didn’t know I was supposed to be watching her. I thought you wanted me here to spend time with her?”

“I do want you to spend time with her, while you watch her.” He said throwing his hands in the air.

“You brought me here to be her babysitter? Hell no!” I said sitting up.

“I thought you had agreed to it, that’s why Gabe left. She can’t be left on her own.” He said pacing in front of me

“You need to work on your communication skills old man. I hadn’t even known I was supposed to babysit her. I sure as hell wouldn’t have agreed to it.” I looked at his face and could see how stress out he was “Calm down I’m sure she is just walking around hell trying to make friends.”

He shook his head at me “She’s not, I felt her leave hell about twenty minutes ago.”

“So track her down like you do me.” He stopped pacing and glared at me

“No, you can track her down you’re the one who left her on her own you can fix this.”

“What?” I shook my head “Fine. How did she manage to leave Hell anyway I didn’t think she could teleport?”

“She can’t and that’s exactly what I want you to find out.”

I scratch my head still trying to wake myself up. “I will have to go to her room and track her movements from there.”

“Good, and make it quick if she is on earth she could be causing all sorts of problems right now.”

“Have you told Gabe?” I asked “There is a good chance that she will end up at his club. And if she goes there and sees him with another women….” My father curses like I had never heard before.

“I will inform him of our dilemma, just find her, and find her soon. If she goes too far there will be nothing I can do to save her.” He said walking out of my room and slamming the door shut behind him.

I groaned as I made myself stand from my bed “Why me?” I ask myself as I walk to my bathroom to shower before I go in search of my pain in the ass half-sister. Who would have been stupid enough to help her escape hell? I thought as I closed the bathroom door and climbed into the shower.

Heaven and Hell (D.A book 2) (Onhold)Where stories live. Discover now