The man jerks forward, eyes growing wide. He face-plants in the snow, stabbing at his back wildly. The wolf sinks her teeth into the man’s wrist. Blood drips down the golden wolf’s chin as claws sink into the man’s back.

The other guy suddenly punches at Cody’s face, ignoring Kiera’s warning snarl. But before Kiera can intervene Cody yelps, jumps aside with a growl. She backs away completely, turning to circle the men. Kiera jumps forward, barking at the men as they stumble unsteadily to their feet. A thrill rushes over Kiera, washing away some of the agony climbing through her body.

Past the two men Kiera watches Cody, waiting for their pray to escape. Ready to chase.

Ready to hunt.

Behind Cody is a flash, brief movement of colour.

The golden wolf yelps, jumping sideways. The dart dislodges from her skin to land in the snow without a single sound, but Kiera eyes lock to the red feather on the end.

Before Kiera can even think to react a Revokers drawing a gun, levelling the muzzle at Kiera’s face. “Say goodnight, dog”

In a haze, the next actions become a blur of pain and darkening forest. Something grabs her muzzle, pain flares through her body. A tiny prick in her shoulder.

Next thing she knows she’s rolling to her feet, the ground pitching under her. Her knees buckle, sending Kiera to the carpet with a thud. Agony jolts through her body, breaking apart the illusion of tolerable pain. She lets out a strangled cry and forces herself back onto the bed. Clutching her stomach, she glances around the room, confused.

Chase appears in her doorway of her room. “You okay?”

Kiera hisses, shoving her pain aside, and snaps “of course.”

His face says he doesn’t buy it. Crossing the room he pushes down on her shoulder gentle, forcing Kiera back on the bed. “Sure you are. You only got a good 10 stitches in your stomach, and lovely fresh bruise on your ribs, oh, and we can’t forget the near punched liver. Who wouldn’t be okay?” He grins cutely. She hates it.

Shaking her head, Kiera leans back against the pillows, glad she didn’t wake up still in the forest. Questions poke at her brain, so she grabs one of the first, easiest question. “Why are you here anyway?”

The bed dips as Chase sits. “Looking after you.”

“What, no one else could?” she jokes.

His eyes don’t meet hers. “Something like that. Cody’s at Kadar’s, as far as I know. She got tranqued, like you. Nothing serious though. Romy’s getting an earful from Jordan again…”

“And you were…”

“I’m a lover, not a fighter” Chase grunts, turning around. “Actually, I was babysitting some brats.”

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