Chapter 37

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Hey guys another chapter here! I want to thank so much and dedicate this chapter to Storygirl123 for making an awesome banner of the story! Thank you so much darling! :) It means so much to me! Anyways hope you enjoy the chapter! <3

 Gericho P.O.V

I groaned and tried moving my body, I felt really heavy, heavier than I really was. My whole body hurt and felt sore.

 I opened my eyes groggily, all I wanted to do was sleep,but still I opened my eyes to see tiny bits of plastic and glass all around me. I blinked trying to focus my eyes on the darkness to see clearly but I couldn't. All I saw was shadows and dark!

 What the fuck? I thought, I tried sitting up more. My back was really stiff! I blinked more focusing my eyes.

 I groaned again what the fuck happened?!

 I closed my eyes trying to remember the last thing that had happened. I opened them abruptly and gasped remembering every second of what had happened earlier!

 I turned around to see the clock, how long had I been put to sleep?! I saw my tv and table all smashed.

I clenched my teeth, stupid vampires! I had almost killed one of them when another one attacked me from behind injecting something in my neck. My hand flew up to it and I touched it. Whatever I had been shot was really strong! I felt like if I was heavier. My bones felt really stiff!

 I groaned again and tried to find my wolf.

I couldnt find him at all! It was like I dint have a wolf! I groaned more, whatever that thing was must've have either a powerful tranquilizer or drugs!

 I gasped and sat up more. Elizabeth! I tried to listen to her heartbeat or smell her scent but I couldn't. I clenched my teeth again, having no wolf sucked!

 "Liz?" I yelled worriedly. What had happened to her?! I tightened my jaw "LIZ?!" I raised my voice. I got silence as a response. My heart started to quicken. "Liz?" I whispered weakly. I got nothing as a reply.

 Tears stung my eyes. I was a horrible beta! I hadn't protected my Luna! I wouldnt be surprised if Liz hated me! I swallowed the lump in my throat, if something happened to Liz I would never forgive myself! Jake had given me the simple task of protecting her and I couldnt even do that! My heart clenched, I shouldnt even be considered a beta! Sure I was one of Jake's strongest wolfs but I sucked at everything else. Jake would really kill me if something happened to Elizabeth.

 I squeezed my eyes shut and tried to find my wolf. I had no idea where Liz OR Jake could be at! One thing was for sure, Elizabeth was with vampires, and Jake... I dint know anything about Jake!

 I only succeeded in making myself more tired. I sighed and closed my eyes. This was too hard!

 Dont give up Gericho, your not that weak are you?! my wolf said weakly.

 I sat up more, at least I felt him more now!

 I waited about 20 more painful minutes before the stiffness in my body started decreasing. I moved my leg trying to see if I could stand up. I stood up awkwardly and sniffed the air. I could smell Lizzie's scent faintly.

 I growled, I had to find her and make sure she was alright! It was the least I could do...

 I stood up carefully stretching all of my muscles. I blinked more, I could see through the darkness now. I could smell many things now too, all I had to do was follow Lizzie's scent and rescue her from those vampires!

 I growled and wondered why I couldnt smell any of those vampires! I sighed and stepped over my smashed center table. I grew frustrated, I couldnt smell those vampires at all! I huffed pissed, those darn vampires had tried to make a fool out of us!  I was so mad right now I could kill something! Or someone more like!

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