Chapter~10 Eterna's Secret

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Third Person POV: (imma try)
All was silent. Every person hid in fear of the vampires, not daring to make a noise. That was until a loud feminine scream echoed through the town, cutting the thick silence like a knife. More screams followed in the footsteps of the first, then it came. The sadistic laughter that filled the air with it's echo. "You can not escape us!" They boomed "for we are vampires!!" Howls of agreement followed the voice. The town weren't doing any better. The streets were painted with thick red blood, or what's left of the vampires dinner. This would last until midnight strucks.
(I never tried doing first person before!)

Eterna's POV: (weren't expecting that, were you!)
"GO! GO! GO!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. I was barking orders left, right and centre, as soldiers ran out in all different directions. "Encre" I cursed under my breath "where is that damn skeleton?!". Running towards his house, I had to ignore the sounds around me. ENCRE was one of the best fighters that we had -under me of course-. Once I got to the door I broke it down and screamed "Encre! Let's go!". Nothing. I let out an annoyed howl and stomped/ran up the stairs to his room. "GET YOUR NONEXISTENT ASS UP!!" My voice boomed. With all my might I kicked down his door, shattering his beautiful painting he painted onto it into pieces. He wasn't there. Nothing made a sound but the wind blowing through the openwindow, and distant screams of mortals and howls of vampires.

Encre's POV:
"I CANT TAKE IT ANYMORE!!" My screams echoed throughout the small chamber we were all stuffed into.
"You can't" they shrieked "you'll get killed!" I didn't listen. With a loud BOOM I tore open the trap door, ripping it off its steal hinges with inhuman strength. The maids and butlers cowered in the corner, afraid of what I could do to them. "non, euh, je ne te ferai pas de mal! Je viens- urgh!" My French slipped. (Translation: no, er- I won't hurt you! I just- urgh!)
Their faces were a mix of confusion and fear. I don't mean for this to happen. Really, I didn't. As if my brain turned to a whole different personality. My eyes glazed over, changing from a yellow star and blue iris to a blood shot read iris and star. "Non! Je n'attendrai pas jusqu'à minuit pour que cela se termine!" My French slipped. (No! i'm not waiting till midnight for this to end!) Every word I said sounded like acid on my tongue. As if it wasn't mine. "STOOOOP!!" I screamed with all my might, at the top of my lungs. My throat felt like it was being ripped apart. I punched my fist into the ground, leaving an indent a couple of meters wide. Colour began to spread across the floor. In the matter of seconds the air seemed to be colour. L

Fallacy's POV:
I had no control over my body. My ravenous side taking full control of my civility and decency. A scream erupted from the forest. Unlike the screams of fear form the mortals this was a scream of anger and sadness. As if it was a trigger, I regained my awareness and control. Shifting my gaze I spotted Dream, Night, Outer. All with baffled looks planted on their faces. We were all broken out of the unbreakable spell of blood lust. An earth shaking howl of anger and sadness echoed through the woods and found it's way to the town. "ENCRE!!!".
Eterna's POV:
My blood was boiling when I was meet with an empty room. A howl of anger came from the woods. "ENCRE!!!" Someone screamed at the top of their lungs. The voice wasn't mortal. It was vampire. Being as quiet as I could I ran outside, and hid behind whatever I could find. "Fallacy! It's Encre's!" "I know Dream! I'm going back! We can sort out why we're normal later!" And with that, the vampire flew off full speed. I ran after him. I realised 3 things:
1. Don't chase vampires. It's impossible.
2. Encre is in the forbidden forest.
3. This vampire asshole knows Encre!
Which means he probably took him! Darn, those vampires make my blood boil! All I can imagine is Encre's shaking with terror. oh, how much he must miss his art crap. My brain was preoccupied, that I forgot about the vampire I was chasing. "Fuuuck. Now I'm lost!" I cackle of laughter swarmed around me, bouncing from tree to tree. "You think I didn't see you?~" something flew past me ear, sending a shock down my spine. "Stay back, demon!" Venom was dripping on my tone, as I violently pulled out my stake from the belt around my waist. I turned around to see a flawless man. Behind all his beautiful features you can clearly see he's vampire. "Give back Encre!" "Why should I?" "Because I am Eterna, the greatest vampire killer in all of-" "shut up" he cut me off. I gasped. How rude was he! To tell me to shut up, Horrible manners. "Tell me what you did with Encre!" He smirked "why should I tell you?" He started to float around me, I knew he was trying to make me mad. "Because Encre is my friend and best student! He will help me kill your kind!" I spat back. He stoped dead in his tracks. "" he seemed totally baffled by my response that I was questioning what his relationship with Encre was. Then it hit me. What if this Fallacy has forced Encre into marriage. "No, I haven't." I jumped at that comment "you can-...." "read minds? Yes. It's one of my many powers" he rolled his eyes in annoyance. "Fuck off Immortal!" The word 'immortal' felt like acid on my tongue. He just smirked and came closer to me, I could feel his hot breath on my ear. "You can call me what you want, but it's just hiding the fact that you too are....


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