Chapter~1 Sparing

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Encre's POV:
"Encre! What are you going to do if a vampire attacks you?! You can't even beat me!!" Eterna yelled in my face. We were sparing at the moment. She put her weapons down, I was confused. "You stayed up all night...didn't you?" she asked. I nodded my head yes. "Encre, you may be the best artist in the country. But that doesn't mean you need to stay up all night to make people happy." Eterna explained, "I know but....I can't help it.." I protested. She gave me a cold stare. "Go home" she demanded, blankly. "Why?" I asked, I was the only one out of 350 people (the whole school) who talks back to Eterna. "Because" she continued, "in two years you will graduate this collage...and you will become the amazing artist people know you for.." She explained. "Now," her tone was sharp. "Go to your home and sleep, if you even pick up one paint brush, canvas or an easel. I will make sure this sword goes threw your soul." She demanded, gesturing to her sword. "Fine...bye Eterna" and with that I walked away.
???'s POV:
I hate this campus, it drives me insane to be around people who despise our kind. "Fine...bye Eterna" said a low voice with a bit of a French accent. "Encre wait!" that's the Vampire hunter's voice! I mentally cursed to myself. The small white skeleton turned around, with a 'hmm?'. "The....I-it's coming..." Said Eterna, sounding like the other will break down in tears. "You mean...the blood moon.." Said the skeleton. "Encre! Don't cry! I-I didn't mean to make you look back at that!" Eterna started to freak out. When Eterna tried to reach her fishy hand out to the skeleton, they waked it away. "I'll be taking me leave, goodbye, I'll see you when training starts" the skeleton replied, blankly. Then they began walking away. And I followed.

Painted Fangs {Fallacy X Encre}حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن