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[ Alternate Universe ]

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Long < Boring


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Papers begin to scatter away from the open files lying on Harry's desk. Each flying into different directions and a few heading for the open window. The howling breeze of the autumn afternoon thunders into the small dorm.

The pale aqua walls carry many pictures and blueprints, one linking to another. Few printout of codes, passwords and other security information sticks upon the furthest wall.

Three cabinets stand beside each other, against the left wall from the entrance. Each carrying either, fake passports, birth certificates or any document which helps Harry steal another's identity. One wardrobe has over twenty different outfits, wigs and fake tattoos.

Anyone who would enter this dorm would definitely think of it as a lair of an unknown criminal.

As Harry's alarm goes off, he jolts awake. Rubbing his sore eyes, he instantly wipes the drool off his chin with the back of his hand.

His eyes roam around the room, absorbing the messy sight ahead of him. He groans in frustration as he pushes his chair back and stands up. Stretching his body and cracking his knuckles, he bends down to pick up the papers.

He recaps his plan of robbing Mr. Doughs' bank in his mind, whilst whistling an extremely catchy tune.


Putting on a plain shirt on top of his black, bullet proof t-shirt, he gathers up his equipment. He looks at the blueprint of the bank and makes sure he knows which security systems he has to avoid. Fog begins to build up on the windows of his van and Zayn turns the heat up whilst shivering a tad bit.

The Doughs Ent. has an security check at the entrance which detect metal and weapons. To pass this device, Harry's friend, Josh, who has been working as a security guard for an entire week at this bank, will help Harry.

To enter the banks main vault, which is Harry's main purpose, he has to pass through many security scans and guards. There's three ways to get to the main vault, the first way which is only accessible for the CEO and the Mr. Doughs.

The second way is through the main hallway, though it's only for the customers who deposit at least thirty thousand dollars. Since Harry has to keep his identity hidden, he'll wear a black beanie and black glasses.

The third way is through an underground tunnel, only plumbers have an access to it. Whilst Zayn goes underground to get the access, Harry has to distract all the twenty guards standing outside the vault. Although, before they enter the bank, Harry has to hack into the security cameras.

The cameras only turn off for a maximum of ten minutes, before Mr. Doughs calls a professional technician to fix the cameras.

Zayn coughs which gains Harry's attention, "Shall we begin?"

Harry nods and turns on his laptop. Adjusting his beanie, he frantically begins to type.



Harry loosens his tie a tad bit, and holds his briefcase tightly. The case carries six cans of smoke bombs, a 64GB USB, a mini knife, wifi modem and a small can of coke, incase he gets thirsty. Getting past the security scans was easy, although the new challenge begins.

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