Slash - Distraction

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Word Count: 882

It was well past midnight and you were still working on your university assignments. You had been sitting at your desk practically all day, struggling to complete the massive amount of work that had to be done by the end of the week. You had actually made a decent amount of progress and were fairly focused until Slash got home. After that, you had to will yourself to concentrate, no matter how much you wanted to just quit and give him your attention.

"Y/N? It's getting pretty late. You should come to bed with me."

"I really think I should keep working. If I don't get most of this done now, I won't be able to go to your shows later in the week," you said over your shoulder.

"Oh, well... I can help you with it if you want."

You stopped what you were doing and turned your body to face him, taking in his half dressed appearance after the shower he took.

"Thanks, but I think I need to do it by myself. It shouldn't take too much longer anyway. There is one thing that you can do for me though."

"What's that, babe?"

You laughed, "Put a shirt on."

He laughed as well and returned with, "Why?"

"Because it's distracting."

"Oh really?" A smirk appeared on his face, and you could tell that he was getting all sorts of ideas.

"Don't even think about it. Not tonight." You redirected your attention back to your paper and tried to suppress the urge to give in to him. Although, that didn't come too easily once he stood over you and leaned down to kiss your cheeks and neck. "Saul... I have to finish this. I can't stop now."

He started biting you and sucking on the sweet spots of your neck, doing exactly what he knew would get your out of your element. Eventually, you gave in, withdrawing your hands from the pencil and paper you had been working with. Slash spun your chair around and knelled in front of you so he could speak to you properly. He pulled you closer to him and let his hands linger on your thighs, lightly caressing them as he spoke to you.

"Y/N, if I know you as well as I think I do, you've been working since I left this morning. It's not healthy to put off sleep, sweetheart. You have to remember that your health comes first. I know you want to do well in school, but you have to know where your limits are, and I don't think you do."

"But, I'm not even tired."

"Jeez," he smiled in disbelief and threw his head back with a chuckle when he remembered just how stubborn you were. He continued and said, "You're such a bad liar. I can see it all over your face. I know when my girl is tired." He tried to look at you more sternly, really wishing that you would come to bed with him, not just for your sake, but his as well.

You sighed and tightly closed your tired, dry eyes, letting yourself fall forward and rest your head on his shoulder. You hadn't even realized how exhausted you were until he had mentioned it. But after he did, it hit you like a train.

"Why are you always right about everything?" you asked him, your words muffled against his chest. He deeply inhaled and stood up, bringing you up with him while securing his arms around you.

"I'm not always right," he admitted, surprisingly enough. "I just think that you forget to take care of yourself. But that's what I'm here for, so I guess it's okay." He chuckled. You grinned, thinking about how Saul was always so modest and honest with you about everything. "Come on. Let's go to bed. I don't have to go anywhere tomorrow, so you can finish your work and then we can do something."

"Like what?" you asked him. It wasn't often that he had a day off. By then, you were both laying on your sides in bed, looking at each other.

"We could go out to eat, or go to the park, or..." he began to say with a seductive tone as he ran a hand up you leg, "something..." He bit his lip and raised his eyebrows at you a little, hoping you would comply. You laughed at what he was hinting at and how obvious he was being about wanting to do more in bed with you than what you were planning on doing tonight.

"We'll see," you said. Although, you knew fully well that he would convince you to sleep with him at some point the next day. Not that you minded, though. You just liked teasing him.

You turned off the lights before edging yourself closer to his body, the warmth of his chest immediately soothing you. Saul shifted so his head was in the crook of your neck, wrapping an arm around you in the meantime. You kissed the top of his head and ran your fingers through his hair as you slowly started to drift into sleep. Saul hummed contentedly, causing a sleepy smile to form on your face. For such a bad ass rock star, he sure liked affection.

"I love you," he said in a low drowsy tone, giving your neck another kiss before dozing off.

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