Character Introductions: Jezeka

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Name: Jezeka Norvah

Age: 28 

D.O.B: July 1st 

Zodiac: Cancer 

Height: 5'5" 

Weight: 163 lbs 

Personality: Totally caring, honest, sweet, caring, kind, caring, gentle, loving, caring smart, caring, witty, caring, serious when she wants to be, patient, caring, caring, did I mention that she's caring? 

Occupation: Cult Therapist and Nurse 

Killer name: "The Blind Angel" (Dubbed by the Media and Police) 

M.o.K: Suffocation 

Mask: Half of a regular white mask, with an "X" over the mouth 

Weapon of choice: Her Bare Hands 

Kill count: 53 (Victims are people who are already on the verge of death) 

Likes: Flowers, caring for others, helping, doing a good job, making others happy, social media, aesthetics, socializing, happy things, anime, manga, favors the animation "Aggretsuko", Happy holidays 

Dislikes: Blood, violence among people she cares about, messy environments, mean people, alcohol, smoking, dangerous weapons, being called old, douche bags, bugs and spiders, scary things 

-Hemophobic (Fear of Blood)
-She obsesses about feeling young so she wears makeup that makes her look naturally young and pretty
-She crosses her dead victims' arms and closes their eyes, then draws a crossed out, closed eye, on the wall that's closest to the victim. She does this to all her victims
-Major people pleaser
-Graduated college at 24
-Earned a Bachelor's and Master's in Psychology
-Certified Therapist
-Actually related to Bonnie and Lucian
-Not a Satanist

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