Midnight Strikes

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"Turn to page 394" The teacher spoke in a low tone. All the students groaned and turned to the asked page. Damion kept his book closed yawning laying his head on the desk. The teacher sighed walking over to his desk slamming his ruler on the table causing the entire class to jump. Damion slowly lifted his head glaring at the teacher. "Do you mind, I'm trying to sleep," Damion replied coldly laying his head back down on the desk. The teacher rolled his eye's before pulling the chair from under him causing the boy to fall out of his chair. "Are you awake now Mr. Anderson?" Everyone laughed as the boy hit the ground. Damion's fangs started to show and his eyes became blood red. "You need to calm down," Alison spoke. Alison was 19 and had to stay another year due to her attendance struggles last year.

The bell rang and everyone stood up and left the classroom. "Mr. Anderson, can I talk to you please." The teacher asked. Damion rolled his eyes and walked over to the teacher's desk. "Yes, Mr. Garcia," Damion said in a cold tone. "Your grade is suffering and I am extremely worried for you." The man explained. "Well I don't care, not like I'm going anywhere anyway," Damion spoke with a slight crack in his voice. Mr. Garcia sighed and looked Damion right in the eye. "Look, I understand the feeling of thinking you're helpless or hopeless, but I trust me, you're not." Mr. Garcia spoke sincerely. Damion said nothing and held his head down. The second bell rang for students to be in lunch. "Here, I'll write you a hall pass. Just think about what I said." He said handing him a slip of paper. Damion took the paper and left the classroom.

Damion walked into the lunchroom and quickly found his table, sitting down not saying anything. "What's your problem?" Someone randomly asked. "Nothing just tired," Damion replied looking at the boy. "Aren't we all?" Alison replied sitting down next to Damion. "And the witch has arrived." The same boy replied. Alison hissed and showing her teeth. "Watch it Jack. She might kill you," Damion laughed. Jack rolled his eyes before looking away getting distracted.

Everyone ate their food in an awkward silence before heading to the next class period. "Ugh, I just want to go home." Damion sighed drawing imaginary circles on his desk. "It's the last period of the day calm down," Jack replied looking around the room. "Why are you always looking around?" Damion asked watching the clueless boy. "I don't know, just bored." He replied. Damion chuckled a bit as the bell rang for everyone to go home.

Damion, Jack, and Alison all were on their way home from there long day at school. "Since we are off tomorrow, what do you want to do?" Jack asked. "Sleep, sleep, and... sleep," Damion replied. "BORING!" Jack yelled. "What do you want to do?" Alison asked. "Well... I was wondering if you guys wanted to come over and feast." Jack smiled. Jack was still a vampire who feasted on human blood. "You know I don't drink human blood anymore," Damion replied. "Come on; stop being such a stick in the mud." Jack sighed. Damion suddenly grabbed Jack by the neck glaring at him with red eyes. "Shut it," Damion shouted. Alison pulled the two apart. "Calm down, this is not the time to be turning on each other; especially when the full moon is coming," Alison explained. Damion let go of Jack sighing. "I totally forgot about that," Jack replied rubbing his neck. "So we should all go home and rest until the moon is out," Alison said. Damion, Jack, and Alison all broke off heading to their homes.

Damion walked up to his door unlocking it and stepping inside the dark home. "Welcome home." His mother spoke. Damion rolled his eyes and walked upstairs closing his door jumping on his bed. He turned on his back looking up at the ceiling thinking. "Why did I have to be born a vampire?"

Later that night

"Tonight is the night we strike." A loud powerful voice boomed through the woods. "But dad... I do not want to do this. I think it's kind of wrong." TJ spoke. The man turned around facing his child. "We have to. We need more food and our pack is starving." The dad spoke with anger present in his voice. "I agree with TJ," Asher spoke to the alpha angering the man even more. "IF YOU DON'T WANT TO BE HERE THEN LEAVE!" The man shouted causing TJ to whimper. Suddenly Asher grabbed TJ and they started to run away. "YOU WILL REGRET THIS." The man roared. Asher and TJ both started to grow and run on all fours before transforming into a wolf. Asher's fur was grey complementing his bright green eyes and TJ's fur was a winter white complementing his blue ones. Suddenly both boys took off in another direction.

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