Chapter Seventeen

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Gerard smiles as he sits outside by the fire with Bert, Jeph, Dan and Quinn, late at night.

Donna and Bryan are gone all night, they travelto other cities for church events alot. So Gerard snuck out, mainly to see Bert though, he just always wants to be with him.

Bert watches Gerard as he talks with Dan about something, Bert not really listening, just watching him, watching his lips, his sweet smile.

Their conversation ends, everyone now talking with each other, Gerard staying quiet, just listening now.

"Fuck you have the prettiest smile" Bert says staring at Gerard, making Gerard look to him, becoming flustered.

Gerard bites his lip, feeling his cheeks burning at the random, sweet comment.

Gerard smiles, tucking his hair back behind his ear, never knowing what to do when someone compliments him, or when he gets flustered.

Bert just chuckles as he watches the red head before standing, going inside to get another beer.

Bert grabs one from the fridge, waiting inside a moment, thinking.

"Everything okay?" Gerard asks walking in and to the kitchen with Bert who's leaned against the counter.

"Yeah, just tired, it's getting pretty late" Bert chuckles considering it's almost 2 am and he didn't sleep well.

"Yeah, I'm worn out, but Donna and Bryan are gone until late tomorrow so" Gerard says.

"You should be sleeping though, no sleep is a trigger, right? I did reasearch on Epilepsy in case what happened a few weeks ago happened again, so I can help" Bert says.

"You did?" Gerard giggles softly at the fact Bert took the initiative to search up and learn about it.

"I want to be able to help you, I felt useless last time, but if for some reason I can't get you home, I'll know what to do" Bert says.

"Bert, you didn't have to do that. I'm not your responsibility" Gerard says, making Bert chuckle.

"Babydoll, you're my bestfriend, I'm going to be your fucking doctor if I need too" Bert says.

Gerard laughs, shaking his head, "Thank you, it means a lot that you even care"

The two of them go outside, sat next to each other though there's open chairs with more space apart.

Time passes and Jeph's passed out, wasted, leaned into Quinn with a bottle of beer beginning to slip from his grasp.

"I know, and when we tried it wouldn't fucking work" Bert chuckles, in a conversation with Dan and Quinn.

He feels a light weight on his arm, looking at seeing Gerard's head rested on his arm tiredly.

Bert moves, wrapping his arm around him, giving Gerard the option to move into his side, which he does.

And the second Gerard rests into him, getting comfortable, he's out like a light.

"So are you and Gerard dating yet?" Dan smirks now that Gerard's asleep, them all knowing Bert likes him.

"No we're not, now shh, he's sleeping" Bert says, telling him to keep his voice down so Gerard can sleep.

"When are you going to go for it? You obsess over him, he obviously likes you" Dan encourages him.

"You think so?" Bert asks, completely oblivious to the chance of Gerard actually liking him.

"Bert, you think he'd be out here in the cold, at 3 am curled with you if he didn't have feelings for you?" Dan chuckles.

Bert looks at Gerard who's asleep, leaned into him, shivering as the bonfire begins to die out.

"I don't know, I don't want to try anything and be wrong, and him be uncomfortable with me after" Bert says, worrying about it.

"Well, if you don't, I will" Quinn says, also liking Gerard, making Bert sadly chuckle, playing off the thought of Gerard being with someone else.

"I will, when the time's right" Bert chuckles, running his hand along Gerard's arm as he's leaned into him.

• • •

Gerard wakes, mumbling a little as he forces his heavy eyelids open, exhausted after being up so late with everyone last night.

Still leaned into Bert's side, Bert asleep with his head rested on Gerard's, making Gerard smile.

Gerard just stays rested, tired, but not wanting to move from the comfortable spot with Bert.

"Sorry mom" Gerard hears Dan mumble in his sleep and Gerard can't but to start laughing.

Gerard laughs as Dan continues mumbling in his sleep, finding it the funniest thing.

"That's the best thing to wake up too" Gerard hears Bert mumble into his hair, just waking up.

"What, Dan's sleep talk about his mom? Because it really is" Gerard laughs at Dan as he continues.

"No, your laugh" Bert says, making Gerard's cheeks heat up, lifting his head and looking at Bert.

Bert chuckles watching Gerard get so flustered, finding it the sweetest thing, besides his smile.

"You guys are cute, but shut up or go get a fucking room, fucking lovebirds" Jeph mumbles, hearing them talking, hearing Bert's comment.

Gerard bites his lip as Jeph calls them 'lovebirds'. Maybe one day.

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