Chapter Twenty Eight

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Gerard smiles as he hugs Donna and Bryan, greeting them back from their weekend trip to a nearby Chruch. Glad to see them, though he hates that it means he can't freely have Bert over.

"Here baby, I brought you a coffee" Bryan says after placing a kiss on Gerard's forehead, handing him the warm coffee from Gerard's favorite coffee shop in town. Bryan's not a bad person or father, he's just bad at expressing his love.

"Thank you!" Gerard smiles happily and sits on the couch, them talking about their weekend at the event. Gerard enjoying his coffee as they talk, them speaking about all the nice people they met, the group dinner with them.

"How was your weekend hun? Was Jay here or did he go to a friends?" Donna asks him as he takes another of his coffee, Gerard tensing at the spoken name of Jay.

"It was okay but um, can we talk about something really quick?" Gerard asks, a little nervous to bring this up with them, knowing how biased they can be at times, but it's worth a shot. Gerard's extremely uncomfortable.

"Of course you can sweetheart, what's up?" Donna reassures him, Gerard looking around to make sure he's not in the room or nearby so he doesn't hear, he's probably upstairs dealing with a major hangover.

"Jay's making me really uncomfortable, he came home slam drunk, he was walking around the house, yelling" Gerard says, not wanting to tell them about Jay making constant sexual advances towards him, so he's just going to tell them and change some of what happened last night.

"Really? I can't have that, no. He can stay with someone else for the remaining days his parents are gone" Bryan shakes his head, not going to put up with Jay being reckless, especially around Gerard.

Gerard feels relief wash over him and goes to his room, not wanting to be there when they tell Jay he can no longer stay at the house. When it comes to confrontation or anger, Gerard's out.

"I'm gonna head to bed" Gerard calls down to them from upstairs, shutting the door and sitting at the sofa placed in-front of the couch where Bert's across the yard, at his window, been waiting as they've been planning to call.

Gerard answers the incoming call from Bert with the biggest smile on his face, "Guess what, Jay's leaving!"

"Really? Good, because I was so close to smashing his face in" Bert says, making Gerard laugh, shaking his head, he's probably not exaggerating when he says that. Bert has some troubles containing his anger.

"I'm so glad, I don't think I could have stood another day with him here" Gerard says, Bert taking note of how uncomfortable Gerard is even talking about Jay, even saying his name.

The two talk, Gerard noticing Bert's odd behavior, he doesn't seem his normal, sarcastic, charming self. Usually he's always making jokes, laughing at himself. But he isn't tonight.

"Is everything okay baby?" Gerard asks as Bert seems upset, not knowing why, worried about him. He's usually always so talkative and charming, but he's so silent right now, which is extremely weird as the two always talk for hours.

"I'm fine- I um, I think I'm just gonna to go to bed" Bert says, automatically hanging up before anything else could be said, or before Gerard could say goodnight to him.

Gerard watches as Bert closes his curtains, making Gerard's heart sink. Something's obviously really wrong with him, did something happen today? Someone say something?

Bert's always very closed off when it comes to emotions or talking about himself. Gerard hates it, but it's apart of Bert's personality, and he'd never try to change that about him.

Gerard hopes he's okay, something is definitely bothering him. But he doesn't want to pressure Bert, Gerard'll give him time in hope he'll come to him about it.

• • •

Gerard waits for Bert at his locker, wanting to see him as he was upset last night, hoping to cheer him up. Gerard hates to see Bert bummed, he loves seeing him smile, hearing his high, heartwarming laugh.

"Hey, doll" Bert says walking over, sighing softly, immediately raising another red flag for Gerard. Bert always greets him goodmorning with a sarcastic comment and a kiss.

Gerard leads him to an empty classroom, closing the door for privacy as Gerard can't let people around see that he's gay, "Bert, what's wrong with you? Talk to me"

"Nothing, I'm fine, my mom's just really stressed about her work and I hate seeing her upset" Bert says and Gerard hugs him tightly, knowing how much Jenna means to him, so it effects him.

"It's okay, things with your mom will get better, everyone stresses" Gerard reassures him as they hug, seeing as Bert just feels guilty that his mother is stressing so much.

"Thank you babydoll, I'm sorry for just leaving last night, I was just really stressed and wanted to check on my mom" Bert says, tucking some of Gerard's bright red hair back behind his ear, observing his beauty.

"It's okay, I mean I get it. It's your mom Bert, don't apologize" Gerard reassures him, placing a soft kiss on his lips as Bert's arms slide around Gerard's hips.

Bert places soft kisses down his jaw, "How are you feeling today?"

"I'm fine" Gerard lies, biting his lip as he holds a moan as Bert's soft lips travel down her neck, tattooed hands gripping his hips tightly. He's obviously happier now that they've talked about it.

"Oh really? Then why does your hand keep tapping my back?" Bert hums against the skin of Gerard's neck, making Gerard realize he'd been doing it the whole time. Gerard's not feeling well today, symptoms.

"It's nothing to worry about, seriously" Gerard nods and before anything could be said or Bert can argue with it, the door is opened revealing a teacher and a few students behind her, making Gerard's heart momentarily stop.

Gerard jumps, pushing Bert off in sheer fear and panic, watching as two of the boys behind her laugh and scoff after seeing their position, seeing what they were obviously doing.

Gerard walks by them hurrying from the room, hearing the boys chant "faggots" "gays"

"Gee wait!" Bert calls catching up with him, knowing how panicked he must be, considering Gerard's not out of the closet yet, and everyone knows Bryan's a minister at the church.

"Leave me alone" Gerard pushes his hand off, walking away and out of the school, upset, scared, and needing to process what just happened. He can't come out, not yet, not ever.

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