Don't You Dare...

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I looked down at my phone and sighed loudly. 

Of course he's late, I thought to myself.

...Same old, Kim.

My phone vibrated, and as I looked down I saw it was from my boy.

Kimmi: Sorry (y/n)...I can't make it until after practice. Meet me at the pool? ^.^

I smile to myself and began walking towards the indoor pool he always swam in. On the way, I remembered that Kim had been talking about how he was craving his special shake lately. So I stopped in a shop and grabbed two to go.

When I reach the entrance to the pool, I was halfway done with my own shake, regretting every sip of it-it was way too much, and I honestly didn't get how he drank them. 

"Hey Kim. I got you that monstrosity you've been--" I look up and stop in my tracks.

I feel the shakes slip from my hand--and it's almost like everything is in slow-motion--as Kim pulls away from sharing a kiss with Ondine. A flurry of emotions playing across his face, he excuses himself from her and quickly jogs across the pool.

Even when he places his strong hands on my shoulders-in only that tiny speedo-I couldn't help but feel a tinge of betrayal...I knew I shouldn't, but I felt it anyway.

"(Y/N)? Hey. You okay? You're like ten different shades of upset right now. Did something happen?" 

Of course, my sweet little Kim is as oblivious as ever. 

I tried to straighten my posture and fix my face from showing any emotions. "I'm fine."

As I turn to leave, Kim holds fast to my shoulders. "Hey now! No you aren't. You only say that you're 'fine' when you're actually not doing so hot. Like that time you had that outrageous cold, or that time you almost failed that class, or when that guy broke your heart-"

"KIM!" I shoved him pretty hard, taking him off guard enough to step back. In the process, he slipped on the shake, and took me down with him. 

Landing on top of him, I felt the fire behind my cheeks and I snapped, "You don't get to tell people about all the times I've been upset. Those were between us! You and I--two people who I thought told each other everything! But I guess not, huh?"

I push myself up to leave, as heads begin to turn in our direction. Kim somehow is on his feet in a second, the shake dripping off of his bare back and he's unaware of the stares. "Hey! We do tell each other everything. What's going on with you?"

"Don't you dare! Don't you dare turn this on me! You were late when we made plans and told me to meet you here. So being a good friend, I did and I even stopped to get you that disgusting shake you've been craving, and I come here to find you-" I stop and shake my head, realizing I shouldn't bring up his kiss.

"And find me what, (Y/N)?" His eyes searing into me, "Tell me."

"Forget it. You'll probably just shout that to the entire pool, too!" I make a sweeping gesture, making eye contact with every person who has turned to watch us. "Hope you enjoyed the show, people! I'll be here all week!"

Without waiting for a response, I bolt out of the pool hall with Kim calling after me. 

"(Y/N)? (Y/N)! Where are you-"

I burst through the doors to the outside, and can feel the angry tears burning my eyes as I try to compose myself. I grab on to my necklace, and shut my eyes, rubbing the feather gently to try and catch my breath.

Don't cry. Don't cry. Goddammit! Don't you dare cry, (Y/N)!

Suddenly another voice fills my thoughts.

Hush mockingbird, do not dare cry.

You can have your revenge on this guy.

And once you make sure he has paid.

The miraculous you'll bring our way.

A darkness overtakes my thoughts and all I can think of his making Kim pay. 

For outing me to the pool.

For airing all of our business.

For making a scene.

For kissing her.

But most importantly, for breaking my heart.

"Yes, Mayura." 

Oblivious(Kim x Male Reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt