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"I just asked you to go with me to the ball, I'm not asking you to marry me."

"I don't care. I'm sorry, but I have more important things to worry about."

A look of disgust shines through his dark eyes, "Like throwing a fricking ball?"

"No, like saving the world!" I yell while flailing my arms by my sides.

He shakes his head, "You're trying to save the world while also getting drunk and throwing parties?"

"What do you mean?"

"I saw you at your coronation. You were so drunk you just happened to fall into Tony's arms after we danced." He crosses his arms across his chest.

"You're just jealous. Look, Jace, I don't know you that well. You're pretty much a stranger to me and it's none of your business who I decide to spend my time with, it's also not my fault why I was drunk!"

"Oh, you're still blaming Scott? I know the guy wasn't perfect, Katie, but you don't have to blame your drunkenness on him too."

My face burns and my heart shatters and the pieces are threatening to come up my throat, "Fuck you," I say clearly before hearing my voice crack near the end. I walk away, practically running to my rooms.

Thankfully, he doesn't follow.

"Where have you been?" Spencer asks as I walk in.

I look in my living room across the hall to see the door open and a bunch of cloth, thread, needles, and a sewing machine all laid out on my floor. "Sorry, I just got completely sidetracked," I say, closing the door behind me.

She sighs, "Well, come on I only have four days to make this dress." I walk into the room and am told to stand straight as she measured me. Then spent fifteen minutes being told what cloth she chose for the dress, backing it up with evidence on why she chose it. Then, helping her design the dress.

"We want you to represent something, that's the theme of this ball, right? To have what your wearing represent something?" She asks.


"Ok, so we want you to be glowing. I want you to radiate warmth, the feeling of freedom and no worries or stress." I nod my head, showing I understand, "I want you to represent a beach."

I feel my eyes widen, "A beach?"

"Yes. Let me explain." She says, sitting up more and clearing her throat, "I want you to look like a golden goddess, I want your dress gold, your skin gold, your hair gold!"

I shake my head, "Why?"

"It's to make a statement. Now, people look at you like you're a child, but when they see you in this dress, you'll look like the Empress you were born to be."

I'm surprised by how much she believes in me. I don't think anyone has ever believed in me this much I can't help but smile. "I think that's a perfect idea."


Couple Days after the Events from Raised:

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