"Good. Now go."

My fathers demands were always frightening, but he was always like this.
I sat in the back of the carriage as I was taken away from my home village and taken to a dark isolated place.

"Get out you little brat."
Warika demanded.

He grabbed me by the hair and dragged me to a cage, throwing me in there.

"Tomorrow morning you will train until your tiny little stupid heart gives out, and you will do so for as long as I live."

With an evil cackle he left, disappearing into the darkness of the hallways.

"Mom....please help me..."

My voice weak and fragile as I had no ideas what kind of torture I would have to withstand in the future.



And with one last lash of the whip, he left again.

I cried and cried for the rest of the night.

-The next morning-


Oh yeah..I remember now..today I'm going to be fighting a member of the Fairytail Guild. Laxus Dreyar (did I spell that right? xp)


I slowly get up and change into a pair or black,baggy pants, black shin high boots and a cropped,tight, turtleneck t-shirt with black gloves. I let my hair down and softly touch the scar that is just under my bottom lip. I sigh and wait for the cage doors to open. Then I am led to the carriage and it takes us to a massive piece of land with no trees, only a tiny hill, and on that hill, sits a few members from the fairytail guild and some others.

"Makarov!" Warika yells happily as he walks towards the so called 'Makarov'.

"Warika." Makarov hesitantly shakes his hand.

"Where is Y/N?" The old man questions

"Oh well she is in the carriage. I see we have all of the dragon slayers here, even the twin dragons from sabertooth." Warika grins.

"Can we see her?" Makarov says.

"Yes of course! Y/N!!!" Warika yells for me.

Slowly I step out of the carriage with my head hanging low, I take hesitant steps towards the group of people.

As I finally arrive next to Warika.

"This is Y/N. She is an amazing fighter and LOVES doing it. Isn't that right darling?" He says as he secretly pinches my arm when he exaggerates the word 'loves'.

All I do is nod.

"Look at me child." Makarov says.

I hesitantly lift my head and am greeted by an old man with a white cloak on.

His face softens when he sees my condition. Red, puffy, pleading eyes, slight scars, small dark circles under my eyes and my bottom lip slightly quivering. Then he notices my hands are in cuffs behind my back.

"You can release her from those." Makarov points to them.

"Oh no no no she is far to powerful to be set free now. I will let her go when the battle starts. Now. You have the money right?" Warika asks.

"Yes, 6 million jewel." The man in front of him says.

"You better win or I'll never let you see the light of day again." Warika whispers into your ear.

I nod.

"Now. Shall we get this party started?" My evil master asks.

The dragon slayers and Makarov nod. Then I see Laxus.

This is gonna end horribly. I can already tell.

To be continued....

Hey guys!!
This is my first ever natsu x reader fan fic so I hope you enjoy it. I'll try to update as much as I can but I can't guarantee anything. Anyway stay tuned for updates and I'll see you guys in the next chapter. Bye bye! ❤️

Don't Let Go - Book 1- (Natsu x reader) - COMPLETED ✅जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें