Baby Boom

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Hey hey ok the last part you seen in the "Maury" chapter forget about it.please. Anyway here's your story


(Normal Pov)

Its been 9months and Shadow and Amy just been sitting around the house or playing games. Cream, Rouge, Blaze, Shay, Ash, and Niesha found out they were pregnant 9months ago. Lets see what's up.....

(At Shadow And Amy's House)

Shadow and Amy were just cuddling with each other on their bed in their room. Shadow suddenly turned off the TV.

"What's wrong Shadow?" Amy questioned looking up at her fiance.

"Nothing I just don't feel like watching TV anymore." Shadow smirked down at Amy

"Shadow The Hedgehog you are such a nasty like hedgehog." Amy stated

"But that's why I love you." Amy added. Shadow quickly flipped Amy on her back. Amy giggled then Shadow kissed her. Just when Shadow was about to make another move his phone started to ring

And I wonder where were you

When I was at my worst down on my knees

And you said y-

"Hello?" Shadow answered

"SHADOW YOU AND AMY NEED TO COME TO THE HOSPITAL NOW!!!" He heard all the guys yell into the phone

"Ok on my way." Shadow hung up and sighed

"Map by Maroon 5. Really Shadow?" Amy smirked as Shadow got off her

"Yea yea come on we gotta go to the hospital." Shadow replied rolling his eyes. He grabbed Amy and pulled out his chaos emerald. In a flash they were in the waiting room looking at the guys

"What's up?" Amy asked

"The girls went into labor." The guys replied

"YAY!!!!" Amy shouted happily

(1hour Later)

6 doctors came out of one room with a smile on their faces. They lead to team into the room and they seen each girl cradling a baby in their arms. Amy sqeauled and took out her phone to take pics. All the guys went over to their girlfriends. Blaze had a boy, Cream had a girl, Rouge had a girl, Niesha had a girl, Shay had a boy, and Ash had a boy. Shay's child looked like Kj but had her eyes, Niesha's child looked like her and Zackery but the child had Zackery's eyes, Ash's child looked like Jace but had her eyes, Cream's child was a fox with brown highlight and had Cream's eyes, Rouge's looked like her but had Knuckles eyes, and Blaze's child looked A LOT like Silver but had her eyes.

"We already came up with names." Ash smiled

"What are the names?" Amy asked excitedly

"Dawn." Rouge kissed Dawn on the cheek and she giggled

"Cystal." Niesha smiled

"Trey." Shay said

"John." Ash said

"Jane." Cream smiled

"And Kevin." Blaze said. Two hours later everyone went home to get some rest but Shadow and Amy went to the store THEN went home. They puy their items away and went to bed smiling


Laniesha: "Well this chapter was interesting."

Shadow: "Sure was I mean how come they can have a kid and I cant."

Everyone (Execpt Amy and Shadow): *Playing or feeding their kids*

Drake: "Be quiet and just wait a little longer."

Shadow: *Mumbles* "Quiet and just wait my a**"

Everyone: "See You Next Time!!!"

A Shadamy Story : My Beautiful Rose (UNDER EDIT)Where stories live. Discover now