Why?!? (Part #2)

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(Sonic's Pov)

Sally and I was on our way to tails house

"I hope Amy's not going to be over at tails because I don't want to deal with her today." I thought to myself

"Sonic are you okay?" Sally wondered taking me out of my thoughts

"Yea I'm fine. Why do you ask?" I smirked down at her

"Well..." She started. "I called your name 5 times and you didn't answer me." She replied

"Oh... sorry. I was just thinking about something that's all. No need to worry." I said looking at her

"Oh Okay then." Her eyes gleamed

We kissed and continued walking to Tails house.

(Silver's Pov)

Blaze and I are married and we live at my house. We haven't had any kids because were not ready yet. We are happy with each other.

"Blaze, I'm going to call Tails and ask him can we come to his house." I said from downstairs

"Okay." Blaze shouted back to me

(Tails' Pov)

Cream and I are living together and are very happy with each other. Cream is the most sweetest girl I know. Suddenly the phone in the house starts ringing

"Tails can you pick up the phone? I'm in the bathroom!" Cream called

"Okay I'll get it." I shook my head

"Thanks honey!" Cream replied

"Hello?" I answer wondering who was on the other line

"Hey Tails it's Silver." He said happily

"What's up?" I asked with a smile. I haven't heard from him in a while

"Nothing. I was wondering if me and Blaze came come over." He spoke

"Sure. See you then okay? Bye." I said

"Okay bye." he said before he hung up

"Cream! Blaze and Silver are coming over later!" I said to my Cream

"Okay." She said happily. Suddenly the phone starts ringing again

"I got it." Cream said running to the phone

(Cream Pov)

"Hello?" I answered

"Hey Cream." Amy greeted on the other line

"Hey Ms.Amy! What's up?" I asked her

"Nothing. Me and Shadow were wondering if we can come by and chill with you and Tails." She asked happily

"Sure. See you then. Bye." I said

"Okay bye." She replied before she hung up

"Tails!!!" I called out

"Yes!?" He asked back

"Ms.Amy and Mr.Shadow are coming over as well!" I replied happily

"Okay." He answered back

(Rouge's Pov)

Me and Knuckles are happily married and had 2 kids. The first one is a girl her name is Samantha but we call her Sam she is 3 years old and other second child's name is James. He is 2 months old.

"Knuckles come here please?!" I called happily

"What's up honey?" He asked smiling as he came into the room

"Do you want to go to Tails and Cream's house?" I asked smiling

"Sure. Been a while since I saw those two anyway." He replied still smiling

"Okay I'll call them and you go call the babysitter." I said as Knuckles nodded

"Okay." He replied before walking off

(Knuckles' Pov)

I was walking to my to get my phone. When I got in and found my phone I called the babysitter.

"Hello?......Hey Mina! Rouge and I were planning on going somewhere can you watch the kids for us......Thanks! See you then.....Okay bye." I said before hanging up. I walked back to the living room to see Mina already in here. I forgot to mention that Mina lives down the street from us

"Okay Knuckles. You ready to go?" Rouge questioned

"Yeah let's go. And thanks again Mina." I said

"No problem. Have a fun time." She replied

(Shadow's Pov)

Amy and I were on our way to Tails and Cream house

"Shadow?" Amy questioned

"Yes?" I responded

"What if Sonic is there ?" She asked

"Don't worry. I'll back right by your side." I stated with a smirk

"Okay then." She calmed down and smiled. We made it to Tails and Cream's house and went in to see Sonic, Sally, Rouge, Knuckles, Tails, Cream, Silver and Blaze sitting in the living room laughing

"Hey Amy and Shadow." Everyone greeted us except Sonic and Sally, but I honestly didn't give two fucks if they greeted us or not

"Hey." We both replied before sitting down

"What the fuck are y'all doing here?" Sally asked. Here this bitch goes with her annoying ass voice -_-

"Shut the fuck up talking to me whore." I said as everyone laughed except Sonic. Shit I sounded like a girl XD

"Bitch don't talk to my girl like that." Sonic growled

"Oh yeah? And what are you gonna do about it?" I questioned with a smirk

"No fighting got it?" Cream glared at Sonic and I as we got quiet

(Normal Pov)

"Okay now that everyone is here who wants to play truth or dare?" Cream asked

"I do!" Everyone cheered

"Okay let's bring since I came up with the game, I'll go first." Cream stated

"Mr.Sonic truth or dare?" Cream asked smiling

"DARE!!" Sonic yelled

"I dare you to kiss Ms.Amy." Cream replied with a giggle

"What?! no! I can't!" He blinked

"Why not?" Tails asked looking confused. This made Shadow really mad if Sonic kissed Amy. Shadow clenched his fist trying so hard not to yell at nobody. Sonic seen how mad Shadow was and smirked at it.

"Okay I'll do it ." Sonic changed with mind smirking

"WHAT!?" Amy,Shadow, and Sally yelled angrily
Cliffhanger what will Amy do and will Shadow go crazy!? Find out next time!!

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