Chapter 1: Awakening

Start from the beginning

          As I kept walking, I continued and prayed to find a place that I can scavenge and actually find something worth my while. Suddenly I stopped. Infront of me, there was a man just walking around in circles. Almost instantly, I picked up my pace and jogged to the stranger. I had so many questions in mind that needed to be answered. I need to ask him what is going on. Then I slowed my pace. Something isn't right. The man was just walking around in a circle for a while already. I stopped and gasped as I got a clear look at him. His brown eyes were faded by decay. The man's mouth was wide open. He opened and closed his mouth, making clicking sounds with his teeth.  His arms hung low and legs were unstable, but still walking. His skin was deteriorating all over the body. That decaying, bony face looked to me and started walking slowly toward me. He shuffled step by step in a slow manner. The person growled a me and make it's clicking sounds with it's teeth. The creature walked closer to me and I aimed my pistol at him.

"Stop! Who are you? What's your name?" I demanded.

The man just growled as an answer and kept walking.

This isn't good... "Stop right there! I said stop! I'm the Police! Stop!" He didn't respond, but kept his pace.

So I did as what I'm trained to do. I fired the pistol into his heart. The man got knocked back a little and made a gurgling noise as his head drooped to the side. He simply looked back at me and continued his pace!

What is going on?! Why didn't he fall and die?

          Next I shot him at his shoulder and his arm was decapitated! I yelled in dismay, feeling fear in my heart. I kept on shooting him, but none made him stop what he was doing. I shot him in the waist, the leg, and the pelvis. He just got knocked back and continued on every shot. So I emptied my whole magazine in that thing. The man fell to the floor. He slowly pulled himself up and kept his approach.

What is this creature?! Where am I? Am I in hell?

          I fell back discouraged. He lifted his remanding arm to me and let out an unearthly yell. A gurgling lazy yell. I stared at him in shock. It started to descend upon me. His teeth and mouth opened wide ready to bite me!

          I jumped to the sound of gunfire. The creature's head was blown by a pistol next to the temple of his head. He fell and stopped gurgling. I looked to where that pistol came from. A large, burly, and tough faced man who looks like in his 60's.

"Eat that, Hell Pig!" he roared at the dead creature, in a thick Russian accent.

          He turned and looked at me and smiled. His face looked comical, but yet intimidating and tough with yellow teeth showing. He was growing facial hair and had a few scars on his face.

"Hello comrade!" he said.

          I could hear his strong, burly, thick Russian accent in his voice. His voice fitted with his looks very well. He was a really buff Russian, but has a start of a pot-belly going on his stomach. He carried a SPAS-12 shotgun on his back and held a Makarov pistol that killed the man. He also carried a large bowie knife strapped to his left leg and an iron pipe tied with rope was slung over his back. He wore a heavy green jacket and combat pants. Also, he wore a knitted glove, with cut-off fingers, on his left hand. Beneath his unzipped jacket he wore a heavy, but durable SN-42 Soviet green armor. A couple of fragmentation grenades hung on the straps of his armor. And last, he carried a stuffed bag-pack.

"Are you so stupid, you couldn't kill zombie in head? HA HA HA!" He laughed.

I was at a loss for words. All I could say was, "Umm... thanks, I think."

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