"No, don't be. I disagree with her, you're almost an adult and you deserve to get out of the house." He gives a soft smile.

"Thank you, Mr. Joe." I smile. Finally, someone around here doesn't treat me like a child.

"About school, what're you going to be?" Joe asked.

"I'm not sure yet. Not a blacksmith." I look down shamefully. Though, blacksmiths were a thing of England. Not South Park. I don't even think blacksmiths exist anymore.

"I respect that." He says. This conversation is really awkward. "Well, uh, I must be going. Me and Ms. Joe are going out. Can you handle that?" 

"Yeah, just tell her I'm asleep." I sigh.

"Alright!" He smiles and walks out of the room.

I look out the window and watch as they drive away.

I walk out of my bedroom and decide to make a salad. There is not much to eat, but we have enough ingredients for a small salad. 

I chop some lettuce and tomatoes. I grab the already chopped peppers. I put it all in a bowl and add some croutons. I top the salad with Italian dressing.

I put all of the remains in the refrigerator. 

I smile at the tasty meal I created. I sit on the surprisingly comfy sofa and eat my salad. It's great to not be shamed about eating.

I finish, satisfied. I kind of want to see Damien today. Yes, I know I saw him yesterday. But I'm lonely. 

I go in my sister's room, which I am forbidden to go in and grab her wallet. I take out $25 dollars. It's a lot, but I need some money, and I can't use my savings. 

I run outside and try to remember the way to Damien's apartment. On my way, I look at fliers for fun activities to do. I notice that South Park is having a festival, the flier is very vague, so I'm not sure what it is, but maybe we can check it out?

There is also a library I've never noticed. Maybe if the festival is shit, which it probably is, we can hang out there. I'm not too sure.

I double check the flier. The festival is at 1:00 pm. My sister and brother-in-law won't be home until probably 4:00, knowing them, they don't want to see me.

I start walking again. 

Finally, I find his apartment. What room was he again? I take a guess at room #66 and knock at the door. 

An old lady opens the door. 

"Oh my apologizes! I was looking for somebody else!" I say. 

"Who?" She asks.

"I'm not sure if you know him, but Damien Thorn, ma'am." 

"Room 69." She sweetly smiles. 

"Thank you, have a good day!" I cheerfully smile.

I go to room 69, which is right down the hall, and knock on the door. Of course Damien is room 69. 

"Pip?" Damien says, confused. He obviously just woke up.

"Hi, I have an idea, I stole my sister's money and I-" 

"You stole your sister's money?!" Damien asks in shock. 

"Yeah! I was thinking we could check out the festival." I look down.

"I mean sure, but why did you steal your sister's money? You should put it back, you'll get in trouble." Damien worried.

"Since when did you care..? Plus, it's only 25 dollars.." I gloomily say.

"I just don't want you getting hurt, alright?" He lightly blushes. "And fine, what time is it?" He asks.

"It's at 1. I'll phone you then to remind you using the house telephone, alright? What's your number?" I tell him.

He writes down his number and hands it to me. I wave goodbye and walk out. I walk home without getting lost. Almost.

I don't understand why he was so worried. From what I understand, he does stuff worse than that. But, I do not want to assume, maybe he doesn't. 


At 12:45 pm, I give Damien a call. 

"This is Pip?" 

"Yep. 15 minutes."

"Where is it?" 

"It's at a field by the playground, just meet me there, alright?"

"Okay, bye." 

He hangs up. 

I throw on my hat and slide on my shoes.

I grab an extra $20 and leave the house.

UNFINISHED| The New Kid [Pip x  Damien]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon