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I opened my eyes to find myself in a hard bed, bright lights all around me. More importantly, I looked at myself, dressed in an extremely hideous flowery hospital gown.

Turning my head, I saw Tae sleeping, looking peaceful as ever. And, next to him, an extremely frantic Jennie, as well as, surprisingly, a pacing Irene. When Irene spotted me, she froze, and nudged Jen.

They both ran towards me, and it looked funny because they weren't that far away. "You're awake!" Whisper-screaming, I suppose as to not wake up the baby in the room. Taehyung. He was here.

"Yes, I'm awake. How long was I, you know, not?" I asked.

"Not long, only like, around 16 hours.. or so.." Jennie responded.

"Ugh. Where's Joy?"

"I'm sorry, but I actually watched you get beaten up for a good minute before coming to help, so I could record it. But thanks to the recording and my thinking ahead, Joy's in custody. She's being charged for assault." I heaved a sigh of relief. Thank goodness.

"Y/n~ah be ok.." I heard a mumble from the other side of the room. Talking in his sleep. Could he get any cuter.

"Yah, Tae, even thinking about me in your sleep?" I yelled. He jerked awake and I laughed. It was painful, but at the same time laughing was a refreshing feeling. Jumping up, he almost tripped over himself to get to me. "Oh my god, I, I'm so sorry I left you here. If I hadn't gone to Seoul I could've been with you, and you wouldn't have.. gotten hurt."

"It's fine, I'm fine. See?" I smiled. "Now, enough about me. How did your meeting go?"

He smiled back sheepishly. "I didn't finish it. Jennie called me through your phone and told me what happened, considering I was kind of involved. I ran out as quickly as I could."

"Kim Taehyung!" I screeched. "Don't tell me you walked out without saying anything to them! That was such a great opportunity!"

"Hah, no.. I," He started laughing nervously. "I told him my girlfriend got into an accident. And that if he wanted me enough, to reschedule." He confessed.


"Yeah.. Is that ok?"

"Is that what I am to you?"

"Well, I would like that, you know?" All of this confessing was making my heart rate skyrocket. The beeping of the machine next to me got much louder.

"Yes, Tae, you dummy. I'm your girlfriend." I was grinning so widely. Jennie, and even Irene were gushing to each other at how cute it was, which made me stop everything I was doing. "Okay, okay, stop being cheesy! How many times do I have to tell you?" Scolding him, I attempted to slap his arm, but felt a pain in my abdomen. God damnit, my insides. "Are my ribs broken or something?? Gahhh..." I winced, the sharp feeling of stabbing making me retract my hand back to its resting position.

"Be careful, you idiot. You'll hurt yourself more. They said if you stayed mostly immobile, you could get out and go home with me in only three days. So stop it. I don't want to wait any longer." He lectured me, and stretched out the three like it wasn't a large amount of time. But, home, with him. I liked the sound of that.

"Okay. Then don't make me want to hit you." I joked.

"Oh, whatever. You know that I'm just great. Clearly, since you were literally clung to me all last night." He winked.

"YAH TAEHYUNG! You know it was the other way around you big baby!" I yelled, knowing my friends were absolutely losing it at the situation. "I would beat you up right now if I didn't want to be home as soon as possible. Stupid Joy. How was I friends with her?"

"Good question. She was really good at keeping up the act, to be honest. She had you and I both fooled for such a long time." Jennie pitched in, still laughing.

"She had me convinced too. I thought she was actually very nice that one time I talked to her. I guess it doesn't count for much, but she's really good at being fake, I guess." Tae shrugged.

"And when she came up to me with those poisonous words regarding you, her 'friend' I almost dropped what I was holding. She wasn't even cool either, just really annoying. Straight up wanted to slap her." Irene spoke up. Were we friends now? Huh. I never expected that, not in a million years.

Soon, my friends left, and only Taehyung remained. He stayed the full three days. Leaving only to get me takeout, since the hospital food was... awful, to say the least. So grateful to have someone in my life like him, I don't think I ever stopped smiling the entire time I was there. When my time was up, the doctor told him to be careful with me, and make sure I was eating a lot. Hah, that wouldn't be a problem. Food was my favorite thing in the world. He took me back to his apartment, claiming he didn't trust me alone. I knew he just wanted to spend time with me, but honestly, I didn't want to be by myself anyway.

He helped me move around, he helped me eat, and did everything for me. "Taehyung, I don't need all of this help, I'm not paralyzed you know, gah."

"I know, but I want to."

We played Overwatch, and he tried to teach me how to get better. We cooked dinner, and I tried to teach him how to get better.

...That didn't go very well though. I was kind of, you know, disabled, and Taehyung can't cook. We ended up ordering pizza.

That night, as this stunning man helped me into bed, I couldn't help but smile. What did I really do to deserve such a happy life? Sure, I'd literally been in the hospital for being beaten senseless by someone I'd called a friend for years. But.. It was worth it for this. Falling asleep for the second time in his arms, I knew I wouldn't trade it for the world.

"Good night y/n.. Sweet dreams,"

He had absolutely no idea.

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