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i was back in the first dark room. dancing, with taehyung. everything was happy. everything. "i love you, y/n."

Waking up next to another person startled me at first. This was a long forgotten feeling. I tried my best not to disturb him, and just stared at his features. From the mole on his nose, to the small scar on his cheek, it was all of his imperfections that made him even more beautiful. He looked so peaceful. My eyes went wide when his lips moved. "If you wanted to stare at me, couldn't you wait for me to be awake so I can stare back?" He teased.

"Don't make fun of me, I just want to look at you, it isn't abnormal."

"Well. As much as I'd love to sit with you all day, we should get up and make breakfast... Uhm.." He got up and suddenly got fidgety. "Do you know how to make breakfast? I don't usually.. um.. cook." He laughed nervously. I almost squeaked at how adorable it was that he couldn't even make himself breakfast.

"Come here you big baby, I'll teach you." Grabbing his hand and leading him into the kitchen, I threw open the pantry doors and took a look at what we had to work with. A box of pancake mix caught my eye. "Pancakes!" I yelped. He laughed behind me, but I could tell he was still nervous. "Taehyung, you're good at almost everything. It's okay that you cant cook, stop worrying. Besides, I'll teach you! It'll be fun!"

"You're so cute, how did I get so lucky to find you?"

"Stop being cheesy and come mix the water in." I commanded.

"Yes ma'am!" He saluted, and ran to get out a bowl and poured the directed amount of water. I was trying so hard not to laugh as he struggled to measure the mixture and put it in the bowl. "Y/n, are you sure this is going to work..?" He whined.

"You really are a little baby, aren't you?" I came to help him after setting the cooker on to heat. "Look, you did it, it's fine. Now watch." I poured half of the mixture slowly into the pan. Getting out a spatula, I waited for a minute or two before tapping his shoulder. "Flip. Then, wait." When I felt the pancake was perfect I transferred it to a plate. "Now, you try!" I grinned. It would be fun watching him try to make this.

"I don't know about this, y/n..." He shakily poured the thick mixture into the pan like I had, and almost spilled half of it onto the stove. After having to basically carry him through the process, he came out with only a semi-burnt, lopsided pancake. But, it was still a pancake.

"You did fine, Tae. Let's just eat already." I groaned. I was starving, to say the least. Halfway through eating though, he got a text message.

"Oh my what, no way." He yelled. "It's from a producer. He wants to use my songs."

"Seriously? That's great!" I excitedly clapped. "Are you going to sing too?" I hoped he would.

"Maybe.. there's one problem. He wants me to go meet with him right now. But I'm with you."

"Just go Tae, I'll be fine. I gotta go to work soon anyway. I feel like I never get a day off anymore," I joked. "I'll talk to you later, do well, and don't worry about me too much."

With that, I cleaned his kitchen up from the near-disastrous morning, and headed to work, where I had a very normal day. Joy didn't come to work. When I got home, I saw a note in front of my door. It was addressed to me, and typed out.

"Hey y/n, meet me at the American restaurant on 35th. I wanna talk to you. It's important, don't miss me. ~Taehyung"

I was kind of confused, since I thought he was in Seoul at the moment, which was fairly far from Daegu. Did he finish already? I decided to text him and ask, telling him the location that I was told to meet him at, but was met with no reply. Huh. Brushing out my hair and heading to the address, I got kind of suspicious. The place was deserted, with no people. Why would he want to meet me at a closed restaurant..?

Pulling my phone out, ready to text Tae again, I managed to get a "I think someone is pranking me, so I'm ju" and feeling something behind me, quickly hit send before I felt a hard shove on me back. I found myself on the ground, hands bleeding from trying to catch myself. I looked up to see a smirking Joy.

"Joy?! What are you-" Slap. Slap. Slap. With every contact of her hand on my face, stomach, shoulders, entire body, I didn't even know what was happening. All I really knew was that I wasn't really going to be ok after this.. I think I felt one of my bones cracking.

I felt a lot of pain, but mostly I felt regret. For being so stupid. How did I not realize that it couldn't have been a real thing. He would've texted me. Or, if he really wanted to leave me a note, he would've handwritten it. I think I remembered telling him how pretty his handwriting was. At this point, I didn't know if I'd ever see that writing again. Or his face, or hear his laugh. I'd never get to hear him call me beautiful, tell me he loved me. I cried, trying to get her off of me with the little strength I had left in my body.

"Stop, please. You're better than this." I begged her.

"Shut the hell up. How dare you even try and say I'm being unreasonable. I saw Taehyung, and for the first time I wanted to be with someone for longer than a hookup. But you had to come along and ruin it, didn't you? You had to be selfish, and take what I wanted, as always."

"Joy, what? I'm sorry, just, please. Stop." I choked out, my voice raspy, shaky. Pain. All I could feel was pain. I'd never really suffered through a feeling like this. As my ex-friend continued to hit me, I saw a shadow running up. I heard a female voice screaming "Y/N!" right before everything went black.

the voice of a thousand angels [k.th]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant