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If you haven't read the other TWO books, go do that now. Otherwise you'll be confused af.

This is out just in time for Valentine's day! Happy Valentine's day everyone!

Enjoy! ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ


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Wondering around a creepily familiar forest wasn't on today's agenda, until now at least. Himika lead the group towards the scent of people while Hinami and Kentaro continued to pester her with questions.

"Do you know where we're going?" Hinami asked.

"I believe so," Himika answered, trudging on. "But I could be wrong."

"Then where are we going?" Kentaro asked.

"Konohagakure." She sighs. "Don't ask anymore questions, you don't know anything of this world."

The amount of trees in the area got thicker and thicker, blocking out more and more of the sun.

"Keep your eyes out for any sort of clothing." Himika ordered. "The clothes we're wearing look suspicious."

"Yes mom!" Hinami giggled.

"Could you stop that?!" Himika roars.

That's right, Himika arrived in this world and she just grew to the size of a roughly sixteen year old her.

"Clothes, got it." Kentaro nods.

They walk on, Himika grumbling under her breath about wanting to go faster. However, her chakra levels were unstable and low, she wasn't going to risk making a clone.

"If we continue this pace, I think we'll be there by tonight." Himika says, checking her surroundings. "Oh look, some clothing."

Sure enough, hanging from lower tree branches was some clothing. Himika snatched a white civilian shirt and some black leggings. She left her combat boots and decided to go barefoot.

Hinami picked up a lilac coloured dress with small straps. It was slightly big on her, but she didn't mind. She also found some white sandals and put them on, although they were a size too big.

Kentaro's outfit was the strangest of all though. His outfit was on a higher branch, as if it had been thrown away and the wind had carried it there.

"Who the fuck wears a green leotard?" He asked, dumbfounded.

Himika snickered. "I know two people actually."

Kentaro just sighed and looked around, sighing in relief when he spotted a pair of blue shinobi sandals, that almost fit him perfectly.

"Let's keep going then." Himika said, continuing on down the trail.

Himika continued on with a face of indifference, but Hinami and Kentaro couldn't hide their awe. The both of them had grown up in Tokyo, a city with little wildlife and plant life. They never even left the city. Seeing this many huge trees was just breathtaking. Birds chirped and cawed, while other animals crawled around the forest floor.

The only animal they encountered was a small snake, which Himika glared at before stomping forward.

When the sun had finally set, the huge walls of Konoha were finally in sight.

"How didn't we notice the walls before?" Hinami asked.

"Because the trees and darkness hide the walls well." Himika said. "Oh yeah, take your masks off."

Himika discarded the medical mask and bandana without a care. Himika tucked her mask away into her pocket.

Kentaro unwrapped the bloody scarf and gave it to Himika. She wrinkled her nose in disgust and tossed it to the side.

"I can get a new one later. Walking into a village of deadly people drenched in blood is a bad idea." Himika warned. "Is my eye still red?"

"Surprisingly, no." Hinami answered.

"Good, let's head in now." Himika said, walking through the open gates.


The three of them froze and turned to the two voices.

"State your names and business." The one Himika remembered as Izumo said.

"I'm Himika, and this is Hinami and Kentaro." She answers. "I'd like to speak to Tsunade."

"Wait... It is you!" Kotetsu exclaims. "I remember you when you were like eight!"

"But, isn't she missing nin?" Izumo asked.

"Oh, right." Kotetsu mumbled. "Shit."

"So, Izumo, how about you lead the way this time." Himika suggests.

Izumo went stiff, but stood up. "F-follow me."

They walked through the village and civilians and shinobi alike marveled at the strange group. Very few recognised Himika.

Kentaro and Hinami looked left and right, taking in the strange people.

An ANBU with a wolf mask suddenly stopped in front of them.

"Tsunade-sama has ordered that missing nin be brought to her by an ANBU operative." The deep gravely voice said. "You're unqualified, go back to your post."

Izumo stiffly nodded and scurried away.

"As for you three," The wolf ANBU turned to them. "Follow me, no funny business."

The silent ANBU lead them towards the Hokage's tower, all while Kentaro and Hinami sent him suspicious looks.

They climbed a set of steps once inside and came to a simple wooden door.

The ANBU knocked twice. "Tsunade-sama?"

"Come in."

He grasped the handle and opened the door.

"Kakashi- oh." Tsunade had started with a pleasant greeting but stopped. "What can I do for you Wolf?"

"Izumo was escorting three people to your office, however, one of them is a missing nin. He was unqualified and I took over." Wolf replies promptly.

"Is it Sasuke?!" Two eager voices call out.

"Bring them in..." Tsunade sighs.

Wolf stepped into the office and to the side, allowing Hinami and Kentaro to step in first and Himika last.

"Himika?!" Naruto, Sakura and Shikamaru exclaimed.

Temari looked a little lost.

"Well, this isn't awkward at all." She said plainly. "Hi?"

Within a second, Naruto had pinned her against a wall, his eyes boring into hers. Himika shook her head, shaking off the shock.

"Where is Sasuke?" He asked.

"How should I know?" Himika scoffed. "Some crazy shit went down and I got sucked into a portal, ended up elsewhere, met new people, got sucked into another hole, and bam. Now here we are."

Shikamaru stood next to Temari, his brain not functioning right. She was back. Standing right in front of him, after three years of seeing or hearing nothing from her.

Naruto finally released her and stepped back. "I believe you."

"What the hell is going on?" Kentaro suddenly interrupts, feeling extremely short surrounded by sixteen year olds.

"Reunion?" Hinami shrugged.

"I have a lot of explaining to do?" Himika chuckles nervously.

"Yeah." Everyone agrees.

Himika sighed.

Why was nothing ever simple?

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