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Tsunade suddenly slammed her fist down on her desk, making it crack around her fist. "SILENCE!"

Everyone turned to Tsunade and shut up. Even Jiraiya and Naruto went silent.

"It doesn't matter what you all think," Tsunade grumbles. "Himika is a criminal, she abandoned her village for another, or did you not notice the Otogakure headband sticking out of her pocket?"

"If I may," Himika began. "Could I maybe explain myself?"

"You can explain yourself once I have you in a prison cell." Tsunade decided.

"Grandma!" Naruto roars. "How could you?! She's not a bad person!"

"Naruto," Tsunade starts softly. "I'm doing this for the safety of the village. We aren't even sure who or what her friends are."

Tsunades gaze lowered to the two twelve year olds, pinning them in a glare.

Hinami's eyes narrowed and changed to red and the room filled with a collective gasp. Everyone turned to Kentaro expectantly.

"N-no!" He quickly said, waving his hands around. "I'm human! I swear!"

"Yeah, he's a cowardly human." Himika added, defending him in a way.

"Well, nothing personal, but I have to do this according to protocol." Tsunade sighs. "Shikamaru, get me Ibiki. You can leave Temari here or take her with you."

"Mind if I tag along?" Temari asks.

"What a drag." Shikamaru shrugs.

Himika smiled a small bit, Shikamaru hadn't changed at all. However, she glared at Temari. She felt threatened by her.

"In the mean time, why don't your little friends introduce themselves?" Tsunade suggests.

"I'll go first!" Hinami chirped, her eyes turning back to normal. "My name is Hinami Fueguchi!"

"Kentaro, Kentaro Tamota." Kentaro introduces himself, waving a hand timidly.

"Hi! I'm Naruto Uzumaki! I'm going to be Hokage one day!" Naruto exclaims.

"Sakura Haruno, pleasure to meet you." Sakura smiled.

"Tsunade Senju, the Fifth Hokage." Tsunade says, pointing to the hat resting on her desk.

"Shizune." Said a woman standing next to Tsunade with a pig in her arms.

"Jiraiya! The great Toad Sage!" Jiraiya boasted, summoning a toad to stand on.

"Cool!" Kentaro and Hinami gasp.

"I doubt they understood any of what you all are talking about." Himika sighs. "They are both from another place completely."

"Did you see that Himika?!" Hinami gasped. "A giant frog came out of nowhere!"

"It's a toad!"

"Yes, I saw it." Himika sighs.

Two knocks landed on the door.

"Come in." Tsunade called from her desk.

Shikamaru and Temari walked back in, this time with a tall man in a black trench coat behind them.

"You called Hokage-sama?" The trench coat guy asked.

"Yes, I need you to get as much information out of these three as you can, then report back to me." Tsunade orders.

"Of course Lady Hokage." Ibiki nods, turning his gaze to Hinami, Kentaro and Himika. "Permission to give them different clothes?"

"Granted, I can't stand to look at another one wearing Gai's atrocious jumpsuit." She sighs.

Between Worlds| Naruto And Tokyo Ghoul CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now